When I Hear the Scriptures

When I Hear the Scriptures

Music from the Friend


1. The scriptures say that Jesus, one day so long ago,
Spoke kindly to the children at His knee.
Then, one by one, He blessed them, His hands upon each head,
And so I feel His tender love for me.


2. The scriptures say that Jesus healed one who could not see
And raised a child from death to live again.
And so I know as surely as if I had been there,
He holds the pow’r of healing in His hand.


3. The scriptures say that Jesus rose from a garden tomb
That shining, wondrous morning long ago.
I know life is eternal, I know I’ll live once more;
The Savior lives and loves me—this I know.


For when I hear the scriptures, I hear the Savior’s voice;
I see the things He did when He was here;
And when I hear the scriptures, I feel my heart rejoice.
The scriptures let me know the Savior’s near.


Text: Jan Pinborough

Music: Larry Bastian

Artist: Pinborough/Bastian

Album: Music Published in the Church Magazines: Friend

Composition Date: 1998-01-01

More Info: Friend


Scriptures, children, resurrection