Women of Faith

Music for Women, Submitted Music (2012-present)

When once the heavens opened,

Her heart was touched with fire,

Then truth became her glory

And Zion her desire

She glimpsed the vast eternities

And knew her royal birth;

Then armed with truth and charity,

She fought for heav’n on earth.


Women of faith:

We celebrate their stories of sacrifice and glory

In ev’ry time and place,

A burning fire of faith,

To lead and light our way.

We will carry on their legacy

As women of faith


A woman left her homeland

To heed a prophet’s call’

A woman learned the healing arts

to tend a wounded soul;

A woman planted grains of wheat,

Providing future stay;

A woman taught her children truths,

That live in us today.


Women of faith:

We celebrate their stories of sacrifice and glory

In ev’ry time and place,

A burning fire of faith,

To lead and light our way.

We will carry on their legacy

As women of faith


A sisterhood of purpose

Unites our hearts as one;

We will not fail nor falter

Until the work is done

Each life of sacrifice and grace

Our father works inspire

Until in time we, too, shall add

Our flame unto their fire.


Women of faith:

We celebrate their stories of sacrifice and glory

In ev’ry time and place,

A burning fire of faith,

To lead and light our way.

We will carry on their legacy

As women of faith

We carry on their legacy, As women of faith.

Text: Toni Thomas

Music: Diane Tuiofu

Album: Submitted Music (2012-present)

Composition Date: 2012

More Info: CMS 2012

