How I Hear Him

by Elder David A. Bednar
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles


I find the word “hear” fascinating.

That word is used many times in the scriptures, and I do not think it refers to hearing with natural ears physiologically. It is hearing with the mind and hearing with the heart. My focus has been on how do I hear the voice of Jesus Christ, not necessarily by words or sounds alone, but how do I hear Him in my mind and in my heart?

As I reflect on how I hear the voice of the Lord, I am reminded that revelations are conveyed through the Holy Ghost in a variety of ways, including dreams, visions, conversations with heavenly messengers, and inspiration. Some revelations are received immediately and intensely; some are recognized gradually and subtly. In my life, I continually strive to put myself in a position to receive heavenly communication more frequently.

Hear Him by Pressing Forward in Service

I find that hearing His voice and receiving inspiration typically occurs when I am acting in accordance with what I have been instructed to do. I find that as I minister to people, the inspiration comes about the needs of a particular person. When I am pressing forward, that is an invitation to receive inspiration.

Hear Him through Righteous Music

I love to sing the hymn “How Firm a Foundation.” There is nobody on the planet that sings worse than I do, but a combination of the stirring music and the words to the hymn speak about grace and the enabling and strengthening power of the Savior's Atonement that I do not think I can get any other way. Most of the hymns that I love are hymns of the Restoration that teach those kinds of lessons. And in those messages, in both music and the word, you can hear His voice. Music for me often is the voice of the Lord.

Hear Him through the Scriptures and Sincere Prayer

I cannot think of anything more important in this day than to have the promise that I can hear Him, that I can receive His guidance, His reassurance, His protection in my life. It is not complicated, and it is not hard, but it is spiritually demanding and takes time. One of the ways I hear Him is in the scriptures. The scriptures are the prerecorded voice of the Lord. And it is not usually hearing an audible voice, although that can happen. It is hearing the scriptures in a feeling. A feeling in my mind, a feeling in my heart. The scriptures, for me, are the key in being able to have those thoughts and feelings.

Even though this is a busy, fast-paced world, where many voices are beckoning for our attention, I can “be still” and hear Him. As I hear His voice in the scriptures, as I pray sincerely—not just saying prayers, but praying with real intent in sincerity—then I am creating that stillness spiritually, that subtleness so that I can hear Him.

Hear Him through the Holy Ghost

I have learned over time that one of the great blessings of striving to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost is that I see myself as I really am, and that is both painful and joyful. I do not hear a voice in my ears, but through thoughts to the mind and feelings to the heart that come by the power of the Holy Ghost. I see things that went well, and I see the things that I need to improve and do better, and that is the process of becoming. The companionship of the Holy Ghost, a revelator, helps me see both good and bad that I otherwise could never see.

Hear Him by Recording Spiritual Impressions

Elder Richard G. Scott once taught me that spiritual knowledge, properly recorded, is available in times of need. If what I record is what I am feeling in my heart, the thoughts that come to my mind by the power of the Holy Ghost, it is akin to writing on small plates, sacred writings, prophecies and revelations. It is not copious, detailed note taking; it is listening to His voice. It is hearing Him and recording what will help me remember what He said.

Perfection Is Not Required to Hear Him

I think sometimes expectations get in the way. Pressing forward and doing my best does not require perfection. Oftentimes I may think that some very dramatic spiritual impression is going to come, when most often it is very quiet, very subtle, very small. If I expect a big answer and I receive lots of small answers, I may miss them. If I expect a loud answer and I receive soft ones, I may not recognize them.

I and lots of members of the Church might feel unworthy or wonder, “Was that me, or was that the spirit of the Lord?” “Was that an impression from the Holy Ghost?” The answer is to quit worrying about it. Be good. Do your best to honor your covenants. Keep the commandments. I do not have to be perfect. I just have to be doing my best to honor my covenants. Many people think, "Oh, well, He would never reveal these things to me." Certainly, He would.

When I yearn for the companionship of the Holy Ghost by turning off distractions and making time for precious moments of spiritual subtleness, I see with new eyes and hear with new ears.
