How I #HearHim

by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

There are so many ways to hear Him. This is how He speaks to me.

When I think of how the Savior loves me, and how much I love Him, it is like a bridge, a connection, or a door which opens. Because I feel the power and the gift of the Holy Ghost, it is that love which is the key. When I am not grateful, I cannot feel this love. And when I am grateful for the Savior and what the Lord has given me, this love opens doors. 

I have seen this in my professional life, at moments where I didn’t know what to do—I would find a quiet spot and connect to Heavenly Father and to His Son, Jesus Christ, by the gift of the Holy Ghost, over the bridge of love to Them. Then, all of a sudden, a stream of answers came to me. This connection opens a stream of things which I feel I have experienced before and helps me to make the right decisions.

This is how He speaks to me. And it happens when I am focusing on the love He has for me and my love for Him. This carries me on to answers and responses which I’m so in need of now, just as I have been throughout my life.
