Using SyncroSoft Oxygen XML Editor with ldsXML

The Curriculum Department has established SyncRO Soft Oxygen XML Editor as the approved software application for all in-house xml document editing.

Oxygen preferences

Those who wish to use Oxygen to edit ldsXML documents must first obtain an Oxygen preferences file. Among other things, this file establishes necessary whitespace protection for ldsXML in Oxygen’s preferences. You may download the most current Oxygen preferences file here:

For Oxygen version 10.x

For Windows/PC:

For Macintosh:

For Oxygen version 11.x

For Windows/PC:

For Macintosh:

For Oxygen version 12.x

For Windows/PC:

For Macintosh:

For Oxygen version 14.x

For Windows/PC:

For Macintosh:

To load the preferences file in Oxygen:

  1. Un-zip the downloaded file by double clicking on the file.
  2. Open Oxygen. Oxygen is found in /Applications/oxygen on the Mac, and in C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor {version}\ in Windows.
  3. Close any open documents in Oxygen. This will ensure that the preferences are applied globally.
  4. Under the Options menu, choose “Import Global Options…”
  5. Navigate to the preferences file you downloaded and un-zipped. Select this file to import.
  6. A message box should appear, indicating the import was successful. Oxygen is now configured properly.