then shall all the dead awake, D&C 29:26.
he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, D&C 29:43.
ye shall possess it again in eternity, D&C 38:20.
shall ye come unto me and your souls shall live, D&C 45:46.
rise from the dead and shall not die after, D&C 63:49.
dwell in the presence of God and his Christ forever, D&C 76:62.
earth, in its sanctified, immortal … state, D&C 77:1.
shalt have a crown of immortality, D&C 81:6.
they who remain shall also be quickened, D&C 88:32.
they who have slept in their graves shall come forth, D&C 88:97.
they shall not any more see death, D&C 88:116.
whoso layeth down his life for my sake shall find it again, D&C 103:27.
Herein is glory and honor, and immortality, D&C 128:12.
proclaiming in our ears … immortality, D&C 128:23.
earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, D&C 130:9.