What Do Temple Ordinances Have to Do with Success?
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we aspire to be worthy to attend temples. This is where we make promises to God, and He makes promises to us. Even when we can’t attend the temple, we can spend time reflecting on the covenants we have made. This can help us in our daily success.
Our careers help us provide for our families and develop skills that, once mastered, make us even better at our jobs. But what skills make us better human beings?
Life is short. What comes after is eternity.
It seems that from the time we are born, the race is on—the race to be better, earn more, acquire more. We live in a competitive world, and too often we are measured by the professional titles we carry. And they don’t come easy. We have to earn our way by keeping our word, delivering on our promises, and really working hard at what we do.
Does God want us to be more?
God certainly wants us to do our best at our jobs. He wants us to be happy and return to Him. He wants us to be more like Jesus; and as we are, we naturally become better providers, and we learn to find a balance between work and family and service. In other words, God wants us to know what He would have us do with our lives. So how should we accomplish this?
Temples are where we get personal instructions from God.
When we approach God with faith and humility, He will speak to our hearts and minds. One way we can receive direction from God is by attending the temple. With the current worldwide pandemic, this hasn’t been possible. But this won’t always be the case. We have to be living worthy lives and striving in our thoughts and actions to follow the Savior’s example.
If we can keep a promise to God, we can keep a promise to our boss.
Being committed to God requires self-discipline and humility. We have to be teachable. We have to be willing to listen. We have to be patient. These are all qualities that also make us skilled employees, good people, and great parents.
When we commit ourselves to God, we are committing ourselves to a life of continual learning, growth, and renewal. Attending the temple regularly will help us in this process. In the temple we remember who we are, what God has done for us, and how the Savior wants us to live. We feel forgiveness, and we remember our eternal purpose. Knowing we have made these covenants can be a source of comfort and strength to us as we patiently wait for temples to open again.