Manuals and VideosPrevious EditionsEducation for Better Work

Education for Better Work

Group members identify a job that will help them become self-reliant. They find the preferred school or program that leads to that job. Group members also learn study skills to succeed in their education and prepare for a Perpetual Education Fund loan, if appropriate. The goal of this group is not only to help you prepare for and succeed in your education; it is also to help you act in greater obedience and faith in the Lord and receive His promised blessings of temporal and spiritual self-reliance.

Video Resources

Chapter 1: What type of work will help me become self-reliant?

Chapter 2: What education will qualify me for my work?

Chapter 3: How will I pay for my education?

Chapter 4: Should I apply for a Perpetual Education Fund loan?

Chapter 5: How will I succeed in the classroom?

Chapter 6: How will I succeed outside the classroom?