Caring for Those in Need in Asia in 2023

Hong Kong: Family Life

Among other efforts, the Church worked in 2023 to address issues of healthcare, education, and clean water and sanitation throughout Asia. This work shows that even the smallest contributions can make a world of difference to someone in need.

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Humanitarian projects in Asia in 2023

These projects include 81 education projects and 78 hospital improvement projects.

—Kerri Murray, President of ShelterBox USA


In many areas of Asia, hospitals are hampered by a lack of access to training, up-to-date equipment, and adequate facilities. In 2023, the Church focused on improving healthcare throughout the region, particularly in Cambodia.

Training, Equipment, and Renovation

At the Kampong Thom Provincial Hospital in Cambodia, for instance, the Church helped renovate several buildings, provided new equipment, and helped train medical staff on laparoscopic surgeries and neonatal resuscitation. As a result, thousands of people in the region are able to access needed medical care and enjoy shorter recovery times and lower mortality rates.

Other Healthcare Efforts in 2023

Among other efforts, the Church also provided:



Refurbishing Schools

In 2023, the Church worked to promote education for students throughout Asia. In Cambodia, students were able to enjoy new roofs, floors, washrooms, water pumps, and other hygienic facilities at their schools, allowing them to focus more on their schooling.

Backpacks and School Supplies

Likewise in Mongolia, the Church worked with government and school officials in Tov Aimag to provide 1,000 backpacks to young students whose parents could not afford school supplies.

Clean Water and Sanitation

Water Supply Systems and Training

Access to clean water enhances safety and self-reliance for all. In Turkmenistan, the Church worked with Caritas to restore and expand two water supply systems and provide training on sanitation, hygiene, and safe waste handling practices, benefitting thousands of residents.

Water Sterilization

In Baganuur, Mongolia, the Church worked with the local water department to install ultraviolet water sterilization equipment at all pumping stations in the area. This allowed tens of thousands of people in Baganuur to enjoy access to clean water at all pump stations in the area.


A Better Life after a Disaster

When a 5.6 magnitude earthquake shook West Java, Indonesia, Ibu and her husband lost their home. With help from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and other non-governmental organizations, Ibu and her husband received an aid package that helped them set up a temporary shelter over their home and begin to rebuild their lives.

As a result of that aid, Ibu was able to open a small shop and begin to earn a living for her family, which has helped them as they’ve continued to recover from this disaster.

What Can I Do?

  • Visit the sick at your local hospital.
  • Volunteer to tutor or read to children in your area.
  • Teach others about handwashing and other best practices to avoid sickness.

Want to Learn More about the Church’s Healthcare Efforts?

In 2023, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was involved in many healthcare and disability projects around the world. Click the button below to learn more.