Acting and Music

Auditions for 2025 Nauvoo and British Pageants

Nauvoo Temple

Please review the detailed information below and sign up for an audition time as soon as possible!

Filmed Singing Submission Deadline is Wednesday, January 15th.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is seeking professional-quality actors to fill 21 core cast roles in the summer 2025 Nauvoo and British Pageants. The pageants will be performed outdoors on alternating nights in Nauvoo. The core cast will perform both shows. Men’s and women’s roles range in age from young adult to mid-60s.

In performance, rehearsals, and daily interactions, core cast members will have opportunities to teach the gospel and testify of the Savior Jesus Christ and His Church. The rigorous nature of this work requires that core cast members be experienced, faithful Latter-day Saint performers demonstrating a high degree of emotional maturity, flexibility, and willingness to work long hours. Good physical health is essential. Once cast, candidates must also receive their bishop’s endorsement.

Shared housing and a food allowance will be provided for those cast, as well as a travel budget and a stipend of $6,000 per core cast member.

Please feel free to share this opportunity with others who may be interested!

There are 2 parts to this audition process.

Part 1: Please sign up for an in-person acting audition time through the audition scheduler link below. Auditions will be held in person either in Orem or North Salt Lake with limited virtual auditions available as well.

Part 2: A recorded vocal audition should be submitted through the vocal audition form by Wednesday night, January 15th. The vocal audition form link will be emailed to you upon completion of Step 1.

To Audition

Please visit OUR AUDITION SCHEDULER to sign up for an acting audition time. In-person acting auditions will be held on:

  • Wednesday, January 15th, 6-10 PM
  • Thursday, January 16th, 6-10 PM

Bountiful Regional Center, 835 N. 400 E. North Salt Lake, Utah

  • Friday, January 17th from 6-10 PM
  • Saturday, January 18th from 9:15 AM-2 PM

Orem Stake Center, 1075 S. Geneva Road, Orem, Utah

Scripts will be available at the audition for those who attend in person.

For those unable to attend in person, remote auditions will be held:

  • Saturday, January 18th, 7:30-9AM and 3:00-3:30PM MST.

All virtual slots are currently filled at the moment. Please select “Virtual Audition Waiting List” in your form to be put on a waiting list. If at all possible we encourage those local to Utah to participate in an in-person session.

Reading material for remote auditions can be found HERE. We ask that you have it available on an electronic device or printed out so you can refer to it during the audition. There is no need to be memorized.

Please film yourself singing one or two of the selections listed below. At the beginning of your video, please tell us your name and what choral part you prefer (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass). The linked sheet music files and tracks are here to help guide you through your recording. The sheet music is marked to indicate which portion of the song we’d like you to sing.

Helpful Tips:
• Listen back to your video before submitting to make sure your voice is balanced well with the track—our team is excited to hear your voice, so please ensure your track is not too loud.
• Accompaniment is important for your audition. If you do not have an accompanist, we encourage you to use the provided tracks to bring out the best in your performance.

Female Song Selections:
Ordinary Miracle (Any age, contemporary pop-styling)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Ages 17–20, musical theatre legit/light mix)
Tonight (Ages 20–30, classical voice)
Color Purple (Any age, contemporary mix/belt with pop-styling and some improv)
Pilgrim Song (female cut) (Any age, classical voice)

Male Song Selections:
Journey of No End (“Young father” age, contemporary mix/belt)
She Loves Me (Ages 20–30, musical theatre classical voice)
Bring Him Home (Ages 40–60, musical theatre classical voice – choose the key that best suits your voice)
Proud of Your Boy (Ages 20–30, musical theatre legit)
Pilgrim Song (male cut) (Any age, classical voice)

Additional song selection (Optional)
You may submit an additional 16 bars from a song of your choosing.

Submission Instructions:
1. Record your video and upload it to a video-sharing platform (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox).
2. Make sure your video link is set to unlisted or public so that our creative team can access it.
3. Copy and paste your video link into the Vocal Audition Form. The vocal audition form will be emailed to you after you submit the audition scheduler form.

We kindly ask that all audition videos be submitted by Wednesday night, January 15th.

While most pageant roles do not require singing, those with musical talent may have the opportunity to be featured in community appearances and civic events.

Callbacks will be held in person by invitation on Friday evening, January 24th, and Saturday, Jan. 25th at the Bountiful Regional Center.

Please sign up for an audition time and submit your videos as soon as possible!

We are excited to see you at the auditions!