PROJECT: RootsTech 2025 - The Blessings of Temple and Family History Experiences
SEEKING: We are seeking individuals of all ages from all over the world to share the blessings they’ve experienced by engaging in temple and family history work! How have the covenants and ordinances of the temple helped you develop your relationship with the Savior? From using Ordinances Ready, Family Name Assist, to bringing family names from your own memory to the temple, how has family history helped you connect your family members and ancestors and enriched your temple worship? We’d love to hear your stories!
1) How have the covenants and ordinances of the temple helped you develop your relationship with the Savior? How has returning to perform work for your family and ancestors given you strength and power in your life?
2) From using Ordinances Ready, Family Name Assist, to bringing family names from your own memory to the temple, how has family history helped you connect your family members and ancestors and enriched your temple worship? What does it mean to you that you can help bind your family members to the Savior through covenants and ordinances in the temple?