
Volunteer Opportunity

General Conference Missionary Choir

Missionaries serving in certain areas are invited to audition for the General Conference Missionary Choir.
Missionary Broadcast


Child Nutrition Video – Weights and Measures

We are working on a campaign to showcase conversion stories. The goal of sharing these stories is to help individuals see themselves, their challenges, and lives represented in stories of faith of people just like them, resulting in a desire to learn more with the missionaries. Deadline - November 3, 2023
Camille N. Johnson and Susan H. Porter Minister in the Philippines

Real People Photoshoot
Cardston, Alberta Area

Seeking Members Who Love the Temple for Photoshoot - June 2024

Seeking Members Who Love the Temple for Photoshoot in Cardston, Alberta and Nauvoo, Illinois Areas. Deadline to Apply: May 31, 2024.
silhouette of family and a Temple

Native French or Portuguese Speakers

Seeking Native French or Portuguese Speaking Talent

We are working on a campaign to showcase conversion stories. The goal of sharing these stories is to help individuals see themselves, their challenges, and lives represented in stories of faith of people just like them, resulting in a desire to learn more with the missionaries. Deadline - November 3, 2023
Church Logo

Real-life Youth

Youth Photography 2024

We are seeking unique and diverse youth, ages 12-18, of varying ethnicities, orientations, and backgrounds to participate in media that will be featured on Church social channels as well as printed material.
2024 Youth Theme

Opportunité payante

Cantiques – Pour le foyer et l’église : Audition du chanteur pour la version audio (Français)

Auditions de chanteurs français de tous âges pour faire apprendre et aimer la musique sacrée de l’Église. Postulez avant le dimanche 4 février 2024.
MC Studio: Rebecca Lopez

Oportunidad pagada

Himnos – Para el hogar y la Iglesia: Casting de cantantes para versión de audio (español)

Casting dirigido a cantantes españoles de todas las edades para ayudar a los socios a aprender y amar la música sacra de la Iglesia. Envía tu solicitud antes del domingo 4 de febrero.
MC Studio: Rebecca Lopez

Oportunidade Paga

Hinos — Para o Lar e para a Igreja: Seleção de cantores para a versão em áudio (Português)

Seleção de cantores portugueses de todas as idades para ajudar os membros a aprender e amar a música sacra da Igreja. Inscreva-se até o domingo, dia 4 de fevereiro de 2024.
MC Studio: Rebecca Lopez