Activity Sharing

Sharing existing ward activities with friends, family, and neighbors is a simple way to love, share, and invite.

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  • When you create new activities, please use titles that a friend audience can understand, and don’t forget to include a description for providing more details.
  • Will stakes have the ability to create and publish stake activities through Activity Sharing technology?
    • The ability to create and publish activities will only be available through the ward calendar. Stake leadership can share information for planned stake activities with ward leadership to create and publish.

What Is Activity Sharing?

Activity sharing will help members invite friends to existing ward activities and Sunday worship services. It will also allow people who are searching online for local activities to find them and RSVP. See this video to learn more:

Ward Activity Sharing

  1. Plan Activities: When planning activities, think about existing activities the community would be interested in attending.
  2. Publish Activities: Create the activity in Church Calendar and identify it as a public event to publish on the ward web page.
  3. Share and Invite: Consider friends and neighbors to share with and invite.
  4. Welcome and Love: Welcome friends to your Church community.

Training Videos

Add Editor

This video will show you how to add an editor (person who creates and edits activities on a calendar) to a specific ward calendar.
Add Editor
Find Ward Web Page
Edit Ward Web Page
Create Activity
Edit/Cancel Activity
Manage RSVPs
Social Sharing
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Common Questions

Which callings can create an activity on the Church calendar?
Where can I find the RSVP report?
What does "church interest" mean on the RSVP report?
What does "inspirational emails" mean on the RSVP report?
What type of activities or events should we post?
What should I be considering when I am posting an activity or event?
Will stakes have the ability to create and publish stake activities through Activity Sharing technology?
Why would we need Activity Sharing when we have Facebook or other social media ward groups and pages?
Where can I provide product feedback and product enhancement requests?
What languages are currently supported?
Which holidays should we consider hosting a community activity?

Provide Feedback and Get Technical Support

If you would like to provide feedback or are looking for technical support, please visit the GSD Helpdesk. Help Center Article
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