Inviting Friends to Church Services and Baptisms

Inviting a friend to church for the first time doesn’t necessarily have to include a full two-hour service. Try these additional opportunities to share important experiences at church.

The Lord Was Preparing the Adams Family

Primary Presentation

Little children have a sweet, simple faith that strengthens us all. The annual Primary presentation is a special opportunity to help your friends and neighbors feel the Spirit. You can also invite people to see the children sing in church on holidays such as Mother’s Day or around Christmas.


Baptism is an important milestone in someone’s journey of faith, and can strengthen the faith of everyone in attendance. Services are usually planned with the knowledge that friends and family who are not members of the Church will be in attendance, making them an ideal place to bring a friend who might be interested in learning more about the gospel.

Share about Baptism

Firesides and Devotionals

If you’re excited about an upcoming fireside speaker, don’t forget to share that excitement with a friend. Firesides and devotionals can be opportunities to strengthen a sense of community, providing a spiritual experience in a somewhat less formal setting than Sacrament meeting.

Sunday School and Other Classes

“Come and learn with me” can be a powerful invitation. Why not try inviting a friend to study a specific book of scripture with you in Sunday School, Seminary, or Institute? The classroom structure makes it easy to answer questions your friend might have, with extra insights from others in the class. Another option is inviting friends to study with you at home using the Come Follow Me manual.

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