Seminary Class Options

All seminary class options can help youth become converted to Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. Class options and programs should be selected based on the needs of families and other local considerations. Stake presidents should counsel with parents and their Seminaries and Institutes (S&I) representative to determine the class options that will best meet the needs of youth within their stake. Additional approved options may be provided for individuals as needed.

Stake presidents should consider which class options will:

  • Best help students learn the gospel and grow spiritually.
  • Keep students safe.
  • Not burden members and families unnecessarily.
  • Allow students to interact with their peers.

Stake presidents may recommend exceptions to the approved class options to their local S&I representative. Approval from the S&I Administration is necessary before granting an exception.

Classes should not be held on Sunday. Exceptions require approval from the Church Board of Education.

Class Types

Students participate



In a physical classroom.

  • 5 (50 minutes) Lessons
  • 4 (60 minutes) Lessons
  • 3 (50 minutes) In-Person Lessons and 2 Online or Remote Lessons
  • 3 (50 minutes) Remote Lessons and 2 In-Person or Online Lessons


Using video conferencing or instant messaging software.


In online lessons.

  • 4 Lessons and 1 Remote or In-Person Lesson (50 minutes)
  • 3 Lessons and 2 Remote or In-Person Lessons (50 minutes)


Using home-study student materials.




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