Stake Supervisor Responsibilities

Assisting Priesthood Leaders

Establishing S&I Programs and Calling Stake TeachersStake supervisors work closely with priesthood leadership to assist in identifying seminary and institute program needs for the upcoming year (see the Stake Seminary Policy Manual for options). If needed, help stake leaders understand seminary teacher qualifications and identify potential teachers. New teachers should be called by graduation in order to be trained and prepared for the upcoming year.

New-Teacher Training

Soon after a teacher is called, stake supervisors collect contact information from the teacher and communicate this information to the coordinator and the administrative assistant over the area. The supervisor assists the coordinator in ensuring the teacher is oriented. The supervisor and coordinator ensure the teacher participates in new-teacher training (see the New-Teacher Training Resource).

Attendance and Completion

Stake supervisors do the following:

  • Help teachers understand attendance and completion requirements.
  • Regularly update stake and ward leaders with information regarding student progress.
  • Assist teachers in encouraging student attendance and completion.
  • Ensure that attendance and completion records are accurate and up to date.


Stake supervisors do the following:

  • Assist the stake in preparing and completing the seminary graduation ceremony.
  • Communicate regularly with stake leadership on student progress toward graduation.
  • When needed, assist stake teachers in helping potential graduates with makeup work for completion.

S&I Calendaring for the Stake

Stake supervisors schedule all S&I activities, broadcasts, and training on the stake calendar. This could include training broadcasts, seminary graduation, training meetings, evening with a General Authority broadcasts, and so forth. They also reserve needed facilities.

Training Teachers

Inspire Improvement

Stake supervisors inspire teachers to strive to implement the principles and methods described in Gospel Teaching and Learning.

“[Teachers] should constantly but patiently work to improve. Teachers must learn principles of effective teaching and master effective teaching skills line upon line through study, faith, practice, and experience. There are many ways to evaluate teaching effectiveness and to receive feedback and assistance as to how to improve. Some things that will help teachers improve are formal, structured methods such as observation and feedback from peers, supervisors, or students. There are also informal ways such as listening to students, watching other teachers, or sharing ideas and experiences with colleagues” (Gospel Teaching and Learning: A Handbook for Teachers and Leaders in Seminaries and Institutes of Religion [2012], 78).

Stake Teacher Training

Stake supervisors participate in and encourage called teachers to engage in all training opportunities (for example, orientation, new-teacher training, micro-trainings, monthly discussions, in person trainings, and so forth). Supervisors assist the coordinator in monthly discussions as needed.

Observation and Feedback

Stake supervisors regularly visit classes to support teachers, observe teaching, and provide feedback. Feedback should always be encouraging and inspiring. The coordinator trains the supervisor on how to effectively observe and provide feedback.

Support Teachers

Love, Respect, and Purpose

Stake supervisors support teachers by establishing a relationship of love, respect, and purpose.


Stake supervisors establish clear and consistent methods of communication with priesthood leaders, the coordinator, teachers, and parents. Stake supervisors keep teachers informed of enrollment, deadlines, stake expectations, and training meetings.


Stake supervisors should know and understand policy. They should also be familiar with the resources available for teachers.