Go, Do, and Be Blessed
You have had the opportunity to teach your students that we are given commandments for our safety, protection, and guidance, just as Nephi was. Even though some commandments seem difficult to obey, as we seek to do His will, the Lord will prepare a way for us to accomplish the things that He commands (see 1 Nephi 3:7).
There are many ways that we can keep the commandments. One way is to Do the small and simple things with consistency. Elder L. Whitney Clayton of the Seventy taught, “When we decide to do ‘whatsoever [God] saith unto’ us, we earnestly commit to align our everyday behavior with God’s will. Such simple acts of faith as studying the scriptures daily, fasting regularly, and praying with real intent deepen our well of spiritual capacity to meet the demands of mortality” (“Whatsoever He Saith unto You, Do It,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 97).
Another way to keep the commandments is to follow the guidance of the prophets and apostles. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recalled Brother Karl G. Maeser’s (1828–1901) experience “taking a group of missionaries across the Alps by following a homely set of sticks positioned at crucial points on the path, marking the safe way of passage.” Brother Maeser taught that those sticks were like the presiding Brethren of the Church, whose teachings serve as markers for a “path of safety” on our journey through life. (“Be Not Afraid, Only Believe” [address to Church Educational System religious educators, Feb. 6, 2015]).
The Lord rewards obedience to His commandments, as recorded in 1 Nephi 17:3: “If it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them.” As you teach these principles to your students, testify that commandments are here to help and bless us.
Invite Students to Share Online
As you discuss the importance of keeping the commandments, invite students to share how they have seen the Lord bless and help them when they keep the commandments. Encourage students to identify specific blessings they have received. Then invite them to use social media to continue their conversation about keeping the commandments. Images they can share are found on the Seminary Facebook page and are included below.
In your discussions with your students, encourage them to identify specific blessings they have received by keeping the commandments of God. Consider the following questions when you and your students prepare to share your thoughts on social media:
- When have I felt strengthened by the Lord to keep His commandments?
- What blessings have I received through keeping the commandments of God?
Include #LDSSeminary and #BookofMormonandMe in the posts.