Introducing mySeminary: Connecting Parents and Priesthood Leaders

Parents and priesthood leaders can now view and track their youths’ seminary experiences through a convenient program designed for them. mySeminary ( provides parents and priesthood leaders with online access to important information about their youths’ seminary experience. mySeminary is currently available in English.
mySeminary for Parents
If youths who are eligible to attend seminary have not yet been registered for the next year, parents will be prompted to do so the first time they log in with their LDS Account.

Parents are also able use the tool to:
Review student attendance and days missed.
Excuse absences.
Follow students’ seminary progress for each seminary term or year.
Add and edit contact information for the seminary and the parent.
View the daily assigned reading for the term (if the teacher has made the reading schedule available).
mySeminary for Priesthood Leaders
Priesthood leaders can also use the tool to access seminary information for their unit. When priesthood leaders log in with their LDS Account, they will see a registration progress bar for their unit. Selecting “My Youth” will display a summary view for each potential seminary student in their unit, including:
Whether registration is needed.
A message about missing credit.
Any make-up days needed for the current term.
The images below provide further information about the information available to priesthood leaders.

Priesthood leaders can also access additional student information similar to the parent view, including:
Registration status.
Seminary credit progress.
Attendance for the current term.
Gospel study for the week.
Contact information for the seminary and parent/guardian.
Supporting the Objective of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion
The more parents know, the better the outcomes for their youth. mySeminary provides relevant, real-time information to parents and priesthood leaders, resulting in increased awareness and improved communication. mySeminary helps parents and priesthood leaders ensure that students are registered for, enroll in, attend, and complete seminary with credit—these will lead to the student developing an increased desire to rely upon the teachings and Atonement of Jesus Christ.