WISE myClass Available for Seminary and Institute Teachers

Sister Jensen begins class. Most of her students have arrived, though a few are still coming in. Sister Jensen glances at her students and taps several times on her phone. A student stands, gives an announcement, and then outlines the devotional. The students sing a hymn. Two more students arrive, and Sister Jensen taps twice more on her phone. They all listen as a student shares a scripture and a brief testimony. Another student comes in and Sister Jensen again taps her phone. She has now entered attendance—all on her phone. Sister Jensen guides the students through the principles in the lesson’s scripture block for the rest of the class period.
As the class ends, students begin to put away their scriptures and leave. Sister Jensen glances at her phone and then approaches Brittany, a junior. “Brittany, it looks like we still have a couple of days that need to be excused.”
They talk for a minute, and Brittany says it’s OK if Sister Jensen emails her mom. As Brittany walks out the door, Sister Jensen looks down at her phone, sees the days Brittany has missed, and taps Brittany's mother’s email address. She sends the email and then enters a note to remind herself of the email she just sent—all on her phone. As she walks over to her scriptures and begins to think about the next lesson she has to prepare, Sister Jensen slips her phone into her pocket.
myClass can be used on any web-connected device to do many WISE tasks in a short amount of time. If you are not already using this tool, you may want to begin.
This tool allows you to:
Take roll, including marking a student as present, absent, or tardy. You can also mark all present or all absent.
Excuse an absence.
View a student’s days missed for the term and attendance percentage.
Make a note about a student.
View parent contact info.
Email a parent right from the device.
Email all parents of students who were absent.
Call a parent’s home or cell phone (if using your phone).
View a student’s photo or even use your mobile device to take a picture and then upload it directly to the student’s record—how convenient is that?
This tool allows seminary teachers to provide parents with an accurate view of their youths’ seminary experience by keeping attendance up to date, resolving credit issues as students complete current and past terms, and filling out reading lists.
This easy-to-use tool is currently available in 10 languages. Visit myclass.lds.org to access it.