Our Responsibility to Invite


Our Responsibility to Invite

Our thanks to Elder Perry and for that video segment for reminding us of the particularly poignant responsibility that we have as members, quite apart from missionaries, to invite others to come unto Christ and partake of the gospel.

This is a responsibility that we sometimes avoid because we fear that an invitation to meet with the missionaries or attend church may offend a neighbor or a friend—or even a member of our own family, like those portrayed in this video. However, an invitation that is born of our love for others and for the Lord Jesus Christ and our desire for the happiness of these friends and family members will never be seen as offensive or judgmental.

The resurrected Lord’s final commission to His disciples was to teach and to baptize. Baptism is the essential first ordinance on the journey to salvation. The scriptures tell us of the Lord’s joy when we baptize repentant, qualified persons. We ought to be eager to do so and bring Him that joy. The wonderful thing about this is the joy it brings to us as well.

It will now be our privilege to learn from Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve. After Elder Andersen has taught us, we will enjoy a medley of missionary songs.

Elder Andersen.