undefined undefined 2018 Temple and Family History Leadership Instruction
Temple and Family History Leadership
2018 Temple and Family History Leadership Instruction

2018 Temple and Family History Leadership Instruction


Leadership Session at RootsTech 2018

Church leaders give counsel to temple and family history consultants, priesthood leaders, and ward council members about those who are new and tender in the gospel and family history. (1:13:57)

Session video segments

Elder Dale G. Renlund


Leadership Session at RootsTech 2018: Elder Dale G. Renlund

Church members have a responsibility to gather their family on both sides of the veil. Family history service is open to everyone, no matter age or location. (9:58)

Elder Bradley D. Foster


Leadership Session at RootsTech 2018: Elder Bradley D. Foster

Temple and family history consultants can follow the Savior’s example and work one on one with families and individuals to help them discover, gather, and connect to their ancestors. (9:18)

Sister Joy D. Jones and Elder Donald L. Hallstrom


Leadership Session at RootsTech 2018: Elder Hallstrom and Sister Jones

Children are important contributors to the work of salvation. Family history provides children an opportunity to feel the influence of the Holy Ghost and become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. (13:03)

Elder Patrick Kearon and Elder Brent H. Nielson


Leadership Session at RootsTech 2018: Elder Kearon and Elder Nielson

Connecting recent converts to their ancestors is critical to missionary work. Temple and family history consultants can provide a setting of love for recent converts … similar to their experiences with missionaries. (16:51)

Elder Quentin L. Cook


Leadership Session at RootsTech 2018: Elder Quentin L. Cook

An increase in the number of temples and the advancements in technology makes this a blessed time in all history to be involved in temple and family history service. (10:06)