Church History
Joseph Smith’s Revelations, Doctrine and Covenants 64

“Doctrine and Covenants 64,” Joseph Smith’s Revelations: A Doctrine and Covenants Study Companion from the Joseph Smith Papers (2020)

“Doctrine and Covenants 64,” Joseph Smith’s Revelations: A Doctrine and Covenants Study Companion from the Joseph Smith Papers

Doctrine and Covenants 64

Revelation, 11 September 1831

Source Note

Revelation, Kirtland Township, OH, 11 Sept. 1831. Featured version, titled “67 Revelation Kirtland Sept 11th. 1831,” copied [ca. Sept. 1831] in Revelation Book 1, pp. 108–111; handwriting of John Whitmer; CHL. Includes redactions. For more information, see the source note for Revelation Book 1 on the Joseph Smith Papers website.

Historical Introduction

JS dictated a revelation in Kirtland, Ohio, on 11 September 1831, just a few days after arriving back from Independence, Jackson County, Missouri. Although the Missouri trip involved the identification of the site for the city of Zion and the dedication of land for the construction of a temple, it generated disappointment and disillusionment for some.1 Despite high expectations, Oliver Cowdery and his companions had been unsuccessful in their attempts to preach to the American Indians, or “Lamanites,” west of the Missouri border. Their subsequent efforts among the white population of Jackson County, Missouri, yielded little success.2 Disappointment also stemmed from the designation of Independence, a rough frontier village, as the “centre place” for the city of Zion.3 Ezra Booth, one of the elders called to travel to Missouri in the summer of 1831, also expressed disillusionment with JS himself. Booth complained that he and his companion, Isaac Morley, had to walk to Missouri while JS, Sidney Rigdon, and other church leaders traveled by way of stagecoach and canal.4 Apparently, Booth witnessed a confrontation between Edward Partridge and JS over the quality of Missouri land selected for purchase. Booth believed that JS’s conduct in these disagreements was unbecoming a Christian.5 Rigdon, likely referring to the same incident, placed the blame on Partridge, stating he had “insulted the Lord’s prophet in particular & assumed authority over him in open violation of the Laws of God.”6 Partridge was later penitent: the same minutes that contain Rigdon’s accusation record Partridge saying that “if Br. Joseph has not forgiven him he hopes he will, as he is & has always been sorry.”7 Booth, on the other hand, apparently became more resentful, and a conference barred him from preaching as an elder in the church on 6 September 1831.8

A week later, this 11 September revelation expounded on the necessity of forgiveness and specifically referred to problems involving Booth, Morley, and Partridge, indicating that the latter two were forgiven for their sins. It also discussed preparations for the gathering to Missouri. The revelation clarified the relationship between Kirtland and Missouri: a previous revelation had established Independence as the “centre place”9 at which to build the city of Zion, and this revelation declared that Kirtland, where the Saints had previously gathered, would remain “a strong hold” for five years. It also indentified what property should be retained in Kirtland. Portraying a bright future for the land of Zion, the revelation offered encouragement to those who remained committed to the mission and leadership of JS.

The original manuscript of the revelation is not extant. John Whitmer copied the revelation into Revelation Book 1 probably soon after its dictation, calling it “Directions to the Elders &c &c.” Sidney Gilbert also made a copy, dating the revelation 12 September 1831.10 Although JS held a conference of elders on 12 September—an appropriate setting for dictating a revelation11—all other manuscript copies bear the same 11 September date as the version of the text featured here.12

6713 Revelation Kirtland Sept 11th. 1831

Directions to the Elders &c &c14

[1]Behold thus saith the Lord your God unto you O ye Elders [p. 108] of my Church hearken ye & hear & receive my will concerning you [2]for verily I say unto you I will that ye should overcome the world15 wherefore I will have compassion upon you [3]there are those among you who have sinned but verily I say for this once for mine own glory & for the salvation of Souls I have forgiven you your sins [4]I will be mercyfull unto you for I have given unto you the Kingdom [5]& the keys of the mysteries of the kingdom shall not be taken from my Servent Joseph while he liveth in-as-much as he obeyeth16 mine ordinances17 [6]there are those who have sought occation18 against him without a cause [7]nevertheless he hath sinned but verily I say unto you I the Lord forgiveth sins unto those who confess their sins before me & ask forgiveness who have not sinned unto death19 [8]my Deciples in days of old sought occasion20 against one an other & forgave not one an other in their hearts21 & for this evil they were afflicted & sorely chastened [9]wherefore I say unto you that ye had ought to forgive one another for he that forgiveth not his brother his tresspasses standeth condemned before the Lord for there remaineth in him the greater sin [10]I the Lord will forgive whom I will forgive but of you it is required to forgive all men [11]& ye had ought to say in your hearts let God Judge between me & thee22 & reward thee according to thy deeds [12]& he that repenteth not of his sins & confess them not then ye ye shall bring him before the church & do with him as the Scriptures direct Saith unto you either by commandment or <by> revelation23 [13]& this ye shall do that God might be glorified not because ye forgive not having not compassion but that ye may be Justified24 in the eyes of the law that ye may not offend him who is your lawgiver [14]verily I say for this cause ye shall do these things [15]Behold I the Lord was angery with him who was my Servent Ezra [Booth] & also my Servent Isaac [Morley] for they kept not the Law neither the commandment [16]they sought evil in their hearts & I the Lord withheld my spirit25 they condemned for evil that thing in which there was no evil26 nevertheless I have forgiven my Servent Isaac [17]& also my Servent Edward [Partridge] Behold he hath sinned & Satan Seeketh to destroy his soul but when these things are made known unto them they repenteth [p. 109] Of the evil & they shall be forgiven [18]& now verily I say that it is expedient in me that my servent Sidney (Gilbert) after a few weeks should return upon his business & to his agency in the Land of Zion27 [19]& that which he hath seen & heard may be made known unto my Deciples that they perish not & for this cause have I spoken these things [20]& again I say unto you that my servent Isaac may not be tempted above that which he is able to bear28 & council wrongfully to your hurt I gave commandment that this farm should be sold29 [21]I willeth not that my servent Frederick [G. Williams] should sell his farm30 for I the Lord willeth to retain a strong hold in the Land of Kirtland for the space of five years in the which I will not overthrow the wicked that thereby I may save some [22]& after that day I the Lord will not hold any guilty that shall go with open hearts up to the Land of Zion31 for I the Lord requireth the hearts of the Children of men [23]Behold now it is called to day & verily it is a day of Sacrifice & a day for the tithing of my People for he that is tithed shall not be burned32 [24]for after to day cometh the burning this is speaking after the manner of the Lord for verily I say tomorrow all the proud & they that do wickedly shall be as stuble & I will burn them up saith the Lord for I am the Lord of hosts33 & I will not spare any that remaineth in Babylon [25]wherefore if ye believe me ye will labour while it is called to day [26]& it is not meet that my servent Newel [K. Whitney] & sidney [Gilbert] should sell their Store & their Possessions here34 for this is not wisdom untill the residue of the Church which remaineth in this place shall go up unto the Land of Zion [27]behold it is said in my Laws or forbidden to get in debt to thine enemies35 [28]but Behold it is not said at any time that the Lord should not take when he please & pay as seemeth him good [29]wherefore as ye are agents36 & ye are on the Lords errand & whatever ye do according to the will of the Lord is the Lords business [30]& it is the Lords business to provide for his saints in these last days that they may obtain an in heritance in the Land of Zion [31]& Behold I the Lord declare unto you & my words are shure & shall not fail that they shall obtain it [32]but all things must come [p. 110] to pass in its time [33]wherefore be not weary in well doing37 for ye are laying the foundation of a great work & out of small things proceedeth that which is great38 [34]behold the Lord requireth the hearts & a willing mind & the willing & obedient shall eat the good of the Land of Zion in these Last days39 [35]& the rebelious shall be cut off out of the Land of Zion & shall be sent away & shall not inherit the Land [36]for verily I say that the rebelious are not of the blood of Ephraim40 wherefore they shall be plucked out [37]Behold I the Lord have made my Church in these last days like unto a Judge setting on a hill or in an high place to Judge the Nations [38]for it shall come to pass that the inhabitants of Zion shall Judge all things [39]& all liars & hypocrites shall be proved by them & they which are not Apostles shall be known41 [40]& even the Judge & his councellors42 if they are not faithfull in their stewardship shall be condemned & an others shall be planted in their stead43 [41]for behold I say unto you that Zion shall flourish44 & the glory of the Lord shall be upon her [42]& she shall be an ensighn unto the People45 & these shall shall come unto her out of every Nation under heaven [43]& the days shall come when the Nations of the Earth shall tremble because of her & shall fear because of her terable ones46 the Lord hath spoken it amen

Given at Kirtland September the 11th. 1831


  1. JS History, vol. A-1, 139; Revelation, 20 July 1831 [D&C 57:2–3], herein.

  2. Letter from Oliver Cowdery, 8 Apr. 1831, in JSP, D1:288; Richard W. Cummins, Delaware and Shawnee Agency, to William Clark, [St. Louis, MO], 15 Feb. 1831, U.S. Office of Indian Affairs, Central Superintendency, Records, vol. 6, pp. 113–114; Whitmer, Journal, Dec. 1831, [1]; Ezra Booth, “Mormonism—No. V,” Ohio Star (Ravenna), 10 Nov. 1831, [3].

  3. Revelation, 20 July 1831 [D&C 57: 2–3], herein; Edward Partridge, Independence, MO, to Lydia Clisbee Partridge, 5–7 Aug. 1831, Edward Partridge, Letters, 1831–1835, CHL.

  4. Ezra Booth, “Mormonism—No. V,” Ohio Star (Ravenna), 10 Nov. 1831, [3]; Ezra Booth, “Mormonism—No. VII,” Ohio Star, 24 Nov. 1831, [1].

  5. Ezra Booth, “Mormonism—No. VII,” Ohio Star (Ravenna), 24 Nov. 1831, [1].

  6. Minute Book 2, 10 Mar. 1832; Letter from Oliver Cowdery, 28 Jan. 1832.

  7. Minute Book 2, 10 Mar. 1832.

  8. Minutes, 6 Sept. 1831, in JSP, D2:61.

  9. Revelation, 20 July 1831 [D&C 57:3], herein.

  10. Gilbert, Notebook, [54].

  11. See Minutes, 12 Sept. 1831, in JSP, D2:67. The minutes do not indicate that any revelation was dictated at the meeting.

  12. See, for example, Revelation, 11 Sept. 1831, Newel K. Whitney, Papers [D&C 64]; and Hyde and Smith, Notebook, [43].

  13. John Whitmer assigned this number to the revelation when recording it in Revelation Book 1.

  14. This heading likely did not appear in the original manuscript; John Whitmer likely added it when he copied the revelation into Revelation Book 1.

  15. See 1 John 5:4.

  16. A copy of this revelation made by Samuel Smith and Orson Hyde, probably around January 1832, has “abideth in” instead of “obeyeth.” (Hyde and Smith, Notebook, [40].)

  17. According to a September 1830 revelation, the Lord had given JS “the keys of the mysteries of the Revelations which are sealed until I shall appoint unto him another in his stead.” A December 1830 revelation similarly proclaimed that JS had “the Keys of the mystery of those things which have been sealed … if he abide in me & if not another will I plant in his stead.” (Revelation, Sept. 1830–B [D&C 28:6–7], herein; Revelation, 7 Dec. 1830 [D&C 35:18], herein.)

  18. The word “occation” (occasion) here means “opportunity of attacking, of fault-finding, or of giving or taking offence.” The copy of the revelation made by Samuel Smith and Orson Hyde has “accusation” rather than “occation.” (“Occasion,” in Oxford English Dictionary, 7:42; Hyde and Smith, Notebook, [40]; see also Daniel 6:4; and Judges 14:4.)

  19. See 1 John 5:16–17.

  20. The Samuel Smith and Orson Hyde copy of the revelation has “accusation” rather than “occasion.” (Hyde and Smith, Notebook, [40].)

  21. The New Testament gospels recount arguments among the disciples regarding who among them was greater. (See Luke 9:46; 22:24; and Mark 9:33–34.)

  22. See 1 Samuel 24:12, 15.

  23. See Articles and Covenants, ca. Apr. 1830 [D&C 20:80, 83], herein; and Revelation, 23 Feb. 1831 [D&C 42:74–93], herein.

  24. The Samuel Smith and Orson Hyde copy of the revelation has “faithful” instead of “Justified.” (Hyde and Smith, Notebook, [40].)

  25. A copy of this revelation, made by John Whitmer for Newel K. Whitney around the same time as the Revelation Book 1 copy, includes the words “from them” at this point. (Revelation, 11 Sept. 1831, Newel K. Whitney, Papers [D&C 64].)

  26. A June 1831 revelation assigned Booth and Morley to travel to Missouri together, “preaching the word by the way.” Booth later complained that the Spirit did not enable him to speak with as great “liberty” as he expected on this trip. Exactly how Booth and Morley had defied the February 1831 revelation known as the “Laws of the Church of Christ” is unclear. (Revelation, 6 June 1831 [D&C 52:23], herein; Ezra Booth, “Mormonism—No. V,” Ohio Star [Ravenna], 10 Nov. 1831, [3]; Revelation, 9 Feb. 1831 [D&C 42:1–73], herein; Revelation, 23 Feb. 1831 [D&C 42:74–93], herein.)

  27. Gilbert, who had been appointed an agent to the church in June 1831, was told in a July revelation to “establish a store” in Independence so that he could “obtain money to buy lands for the good of the Saints & that he may Obtain provisions.” He had returned to Kirtland, Ohio, with William W. Phelps, the designated printer for the church, “to procure the necessaries for their establishments” in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri. (Revelation, 20 July 1831 [D&C 57:8], herein; Revelation, 8 June 1831 [D&C 53:4], herein; Edward Partridge, Independence, MO, to Lydia Clisbee Partridge, 5–7 Aug. 1831, Edward Partridge, Letters, 1831–1835, CHL; see also JS History, vol. A-1, 146.)

  28. See 1 Corinthians 10:13.

  29. JS and Emma Smith had been living on Morley’s farm since April 1831. A 30 August revelation told Titus Billings, Morley’s brother-in-law (to whom Morley had given power of attorney in June), to “dispose of the land” and send the resulting money “unto the land of Zion unto them whom I have appointed to receive.” Approximately eighty acres of Morley’s land was sold in October 1831 to Richie and Hercules Carrel. (Staker, Hearken, O Ye People, 309; Revelation, 30 Aug. 1831 [D&C 63:38–40], herein; Geauga Co., OH, Deed Records, 1795–1921, vol. 14, pp. 583–584 and vol. 15, pp. 492–494, microfilms 20,235 and 20,236, U.S. and Canada Record Collection, FHL.)

  30. Williams obtained a farm in Kirtland in the winter of 1829–1830 through a land exchange with Isaac Moore. Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith were living there by May 1831. (See Historical Introduction to Revelation, 15 May 1831, in JSP, D1:309.)

  31. Earlier revelations specified that only those who were “appointed”—either by conferences of elders or by JS—would be able “to receive their inheritance” in Missouri. (Revelation, 1 Aug. 1831 [D&C 58:44, 56], herein; Revelation, 30 Aug. 1831 [D&C 63:41], herein; see also JSP, D2:52n292.)

  32. No set process for tithing members of the church was in place at this time. Instead, the “Laws of the Church of Christ” instructed members to consecrate their property to the church and receive back an inheritance. Over a year later, JS stated in a letter to William W. Phelps that consecration was a way that God tithed his people: “it is conterary to the will and commandment of God that those who receive not the inherttenc [inheritance] by consecration agree[a]ble to his law which he has given that he may tithe his people to prepare them against the day of vengence and burning should have there names enrolled with the people of God.” (Revelation, 9 Feb. 1831 [D&C 42:30–38], herein; Letter to William W. Phelps, 27 Nov. 1832, in JSP, D2:319.)

  33. See Malachi 4:1.

  34. Whitney and Gilbert were partners in N. K. Whitney & Co., which operated a store and an ashery in Kirtland. The two also jointly owned a single lot of land at the intersection of Chillicothe and Chardon roads. (Staker, Hearken, O Ye People, 217–219, 229.)

  35. The February 1831 revelation known as the “Laws of the Church of Christ” specifically directed the elders to “contract no debts” with “the world.” (Revelation, 9 Feb. 1831 [D&C 42:1–73], herein.)

  36. Both Gilbert and Whitney had been designated as official agents of the church. (Revelation, 8 June 1831 [D&C 53:4], herein; Revelation, 30 Aug. 1831 [D&C 63:45], herein.)

  37. See Galatians 6:9; and 2 Thessalonians 3:13.

  38. See Book of Mormon, 1830 ed., 326 [Alma 37:6].

  39. See Isaiah 1:19.

  40. Ephraim was one of two sons of Joseph, son of Jacob, in the Old Testament. In discussing the duties of the “Elders of my Church,” an early August 1831 revelation echoed language from Deuteronomy 33:17 referring to the blessings pronounced by Moses on the tribe of Joseph. In October 1831, a revelation for William E. McLellin stated that he was “a true descendant from Joseph who was sold into Egypt down through the loins of Ephraim his Son.” A November 1831 revelation clarified that “the Children of Ephraim” were God’s servants who would help gather the scattered tribes of Israel to Zion before the second coming of Jesus Christ. (Revelation, 1 Aug. 1831 [D&C 58:1, 45], herein; McLellin, Journal, 29 Oct. 1831; Revelation, 3 Nov. 1831 [D&C 133:30–34], herein; see also Revelation, 29 Oct. 1831 [D&C 66], herein.)

  41. See Revelation 2:2.

  42. A previous revelation noted that part of Partridge’s “mission” was “to be a Judge in Israel like as it was in ancient days.” The revelation also declared that Partridge was to judge “by the assistance of his councillors.” John Corrill and Morley were appointed “assistants” to Partridge in June 1831. (Revelation, 1 Aug. 1831 [D&C 58:17–18], herein; Minutes, ca. 3–4 June 1831, in JSP, D1:327.)

  43. In an August 1831 letter, Partridge commented to his wife, Lydia, that “as I am occasionally chastened I sometimes feel as though I must fall.” (Edward Partridge, Independence, MO, to Lydia Clisbee Partridge, 5–7 Aug. 1831, Edward Partridge, Letters, 1831–1835, CHL.)

  44. See Revelation, 7 May 1831 [D&C 49:25], herein.

  45. See Isaiah 11:10.

  46. See Isaiah 25:4–5; 29:5.
