See images of the original document at josephsmithpapers.org.
March 24, 1842 • Thursday
Minutes of the proceedings
of the
Second Meeting of the
Lodge Room
March 24th 1842.
Meeting open’d with singing “How pleas’d and blest was I” &c.—1 Prayer by Prest. Emma Smith.
Prest. E. Smith then rose and said that measures to promote union in this Society must be carefully attended to— that every member should be held in full fellowship— as a society, hop’d they would divest themselves of every jealousy and evil feeling toward each other, if any such existed— that we should bring our conduct into respectability, here & eveery where else— said she rejoic’d in the prospect before her——.
Prest. E. Smith continued by saying, that those wishing to join the Society could have the privilege—
Mov’d, seconded & unanimously carried that the following persons be receiv’d as members of this Society— to wit.
K [blank] [Catherine] Walker, |
Jane Law |
[p. 15]
Elizabeth Eldridge |
Mary Woolley |
Cirinda Murrill |
Agnes Smith |
Sarah Hillman |
Sarah Brown |
Sarah Roberts |
Fanny F. [Maria] Huntington |
Mercy Thompson |
Sarah Ann Higbee |
Eunice Wilber [Wilbur] |
Elizabeth [Davis] Durfee |
Louisa Beman |
Elizabeth Hills |
Diantha Billings |
Emeline Corlin [Carling] |
Vilote Kimlall [Vilate Kimball] |
Lucy [Mack] Smith |
Eliza Ann Mills |
Lucy Millican [Millikin] |
Sophia F. Wilber |
Zina Jacobs |
Julia Ann Sessions |
Sally Davis |
Sabra Gribble |
Mary Smith |
Kezia A. Morrison |
Martha [Patty] Sessions |
Caroline Ballard |
Elizabeth C. Lee |
Melissa Dodge |
[Mrs.] A [blank] P. Rockwood [Nancy Rockwood] |
Katharine Wilkie |
Hannah Mark[h]am |
Elizabeth Allred |
Cynthia Baggs |
Cyrena Murrill [Merrill] |
Loisa Follett |
Sylva Lyons |
Mary Jane Warner |
Sarah Brown |
Sarah Moon |
Soloma Chapman |
Abigail Leonard |
Abigail Kelsey |
Mrs. Mary Smith then rose and said the Institutution had her hearty concurrence— that nothing was more laudable than feeding the hungry, clothing the naked &c.— that she desired to aid in accomplishing objects so generous.
Mrs. Vilote Kimball said she had not fully understood what were the objects of the Institution but desired to be found aiding in every benevolent cause [p. 16]
Prest. E. Smith said, no one need feel delicate in reference to inquiries about this Society— there is nothing private— its objects are purely benevolent.
Mother Lucy Smith arose and said she rejoic’d in view of what was doing—2 as she came in and look’d upon the sisters, it gave her feelings of deep interest— Wept— said she was advanc’d in years and could not stay long—3 hop’d the Lord would bless and aid the Society in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked— that her work was nearly done— felt to pray that the blessings of heaven might rest upon the Society.
Prest. E. Smith rose and read from the Book of records, the proceedings of the first meeting of the Society— She then proceeded to read to the honorable body, a report, wherein Clarissa Marvel was accus’d of scandalous falsehoods on the character of Prest. Joseph Smith, without the least provocation, praying that they would in wisdom adopt some plan to bring her to repentance— said she presum’d that most of the Society knew more about Clarissa Marvel than herself——
Mrs. Agnes Smith said Clarissa Marvel had liv’d with her nearly a year— she had seen nothing amiss of her—
Councillor [Elizabeth Ann] Whitney propos’d that some one be appointed to go and labor with her and if possible reform her——
Mov’d and carried that Mrs. Markam be one to go and converse with C. Marvel.
Mrs. Markam objected on the ground that she was unacquainted with the circumstances. [p. 17]
Prest. Smith said that would make no difference— she could attend to it— that it should be be done in a private manner, with great prudence—
Mrs. Prest. continued, by saying that we intend to look into the morals of each other and watch over each other— that she intended to walk circumspectly and to shun the appearance of evil— all are required to be very careful in their words and actions at all times— said she believed Clarissa Marvel might be reform’d.4
Mrs. Billings inquired if C. M. had parents.
Prest. Smith said she has no parents— she is under our care and observation— she needs friends——
Mrs. [Elizabeth] Jones enquired if the proceedings of this Society should be divulged out of the Society
Prest. Smith said all proceedings that regard difficulties should be kept among the members— as to the Institution, its objects are charitable— none can object to telling the good— the evil withhold— hoped all would feel themselves bound to observe this rule.
Councillor Whitney said she felt deeply interested— thought we could not take too much pains in this matter— to avoid all evil— We must avoid the appearance of evil— we must pray much for each other that we may succeed in the work before us and have wisdom given us in all our pursuits.——
Mother Lucy Smith said— this Institution is a good one— we must watch over ourselves— that she came into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to do good— to get good, and to get into the celestial kingdom. She said we must [p. 18] cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together.
Mrs. Hillman rose and said she was contemplating the blessings with which we were surrounded— the privileges of this Society— said she desir’d to be watch’d over and aided in the better performance of her duty.—
Prest. Smith said all who wish’d should have informatio[n] respecting this Society; as they would be published.—5 She hinted the propriety of having Auxiliary Societies form’d in other parts of the City— any one who felt dispos’d might send in a request to this effect— said it was the duty of every person to inquire into the condition of the poor and represent their true state.6
Councillor Whitney call’d on the members to contribute to the fund
The following appropriations were made to the fund of the Society——
$. | ||
Mary Jane Warner |
.. |
25 |
Martha Sessions |
.. |
25 |
Sylva Lyons |
1. |
00 |
Jane Law |
1. |
00 |
Sophia Robinson |
.. |
25 |
Louisa Beman |
.. |
50 |
Sarah Brown |
.. |
25 |
Mary Woolley |
.. |
25 |
Mrs. [Phebe Ann] Hawkes arose to represent Mrs. Drury as an object of charity, being sick and destitute of food. [p. 19]
Mrs. Wooley corroborated the testimony of Mrs Hawkes—
Motioned and seconded that the board direct the Treasurer to give an order on the Store— carried unanimsly.
Motioned that 2 dollars be appropriated to Mrs. Drury—
Prest. Smith said we want the names of those widows who want work—
Mrs. Agnes Smith solicited the patronage of the Society as a Milliner and Dressmaker.
Prest. Smith said we should assist each other in this way— said Mrs. Solome Chapman was in want of work, knitting, sewing &c.
Mrs Jones represented Mrs. Baggs as needing assistance—
Mrs. Thompson enquired whether anything except money would be received into the Treasury; such as jewelry, clothing &c. &c.
Mrs. Warner said her means were limited but would give provisions.
Prest. Smith hinted the propriety of placing such provisions as should be donated, into the hands of the Treasurer—
Mrs. Higbee suggested the propriety of having an Auxiliary Society—
Councillor remark’d that as many were present who were not at the previous meeting; it was necessary to refer to the order established at the organization of the Society. Viz. that of addressing the Chair.7
Mrs. Mary Smith suggested the propriety of procuring Palm leaves8 for the benefit of individuals [p. 20] spoke of sister Daviss as soliciting that work—
Prest. Smith said the object was to supply the poor with money— provisions, cloathes, old cloathes &c. that it was wisdom to keep all the money we could, for the purchase of materials to do with.
Mrs. Velote Kimball represented widow More, as needy and deserving charity— said she would work; understood the business of braiding Palm leaves——
Mrs. Hillman corroborates Mrs. Kimball’s statement——
Mrs Markam exprest her satisfaction in being in a situation to bring her abilities into action— said it was her aim to walk humbly before God. desired the prayers of the Society that she might be enabled to do whatever the Lord should require at her hands—
Prest. Smith suggested the propriety of appointing at the next meeting; persons who may wait on those who represent the poor—
Motioned that the meeting adjourn until next thursday, 2. o’clock—
Mov’d, seconded & pass’d that Prest. Joseph Smith be call’d in, to close the meeting.
Prest. J. Smith and Elders B. [Brigham] Young, H. [Heber] Kimball, W. [Willard] Richards & J. [John] Snider entered— The choir sung—
Prayer by Elder Brigham Young.
[p. 21]