Church History


In addition to the documents themselves, introductory essays, annotation, and reference material have been indexed. Personal names are listed by their correct spellings, not by variant spellings that may be found in the documents, unless the correct spelling is unknown. Entries for married women are generally listed under the names used during the period covered by the volume. For example, Clarissa Ross Chase Young is indexed as “Chase Young, Clarissa Ross” because she was known by the married name Chase at the time she figures in this volume. Later married names were disregarded while alphabetizing this index; that is, “Chase Young, Clarissa Ross” appears before “Chase, Marianne.” Any alternative names provided in parentheses were also ignored during alphabetization. Unidentified individuals, such as “Sister Davis,” are included in this index. In addition to the biographical entries on pages 624–689 herein, short biographical summaries for about sixteen hundred individuals found in this volume are available at The online directory also gives information about the possible identities of many people for whom identification is uncertain.

The abbreviation RS is used frequently in reference to the Relief Society. In subentry text, some Latter-day Saints, such as Eliza R. Snow (ERS), are referred to by initials. When found in an entry, “id.” indicates an entry in the Biographical Directory for a person, “def.” refers to a passage that defines the topic, and “illus.” indicates a photograph or other illustration. Latter-day Saint wards in Salt Lake City are referred to in subentries by ward number without mention of the city name. The four time periods into which the volume is divided are referred to in this index by the following abbreviations:

Time Period


Part 1: 1830, 1842–1845

Nauvoo RS

Part 2: 1854–1866

RS early Utah era

Part 3: 1867–1879

RS reestablishment era

Part 4: 1880–1892

RS general era
