undefined undefined Jordan River Temple Architectural Design Announced
Jordan River Temple Architectural Design Announced
July 1978

“Jordan River Temple Architectural Design Announced,” Ensign, July 1978, 80

Jordan River Temple Architectural Design Announced

The First Presidency has approved the architectural design for the recently announced Jordan River Temple. (See inside back cover for design.) The temple, in south Salt Lake valley, will be built to face east but will not appear to have a front or back.

“All four facades of the temple will appear equally well from any of the four sides,” says Emil B. Fetzer, Church architect and designer of the temple.

The building is scheduled to contain 135,000 square feet, about 25 percent larger than the Ogden and Provo temples. The structure will stand 200 feet from ground level to the tower top on which a statue of the Angel Moroni will rise another 20 feet. The building will be 218 feet long on the east side and 210 feet on the north and south sides. The temple will sit on the brow of a natural slope, making it some twenty feet higher than street level.

Inside, six ordinance rooms having 124 seats each will cluster around a center celestial room. Also planned are seventeen sealing rooms, a bride’s room, baptismal font on the backs of twelve oxen, dining room for patrons, laundry, and heating and other utility quarters.

Plans call for 680 parking spaces on an adjoining parking lot.