President Nixon on the Latter-day Saints
January 1971

“President Nixon on the Latter-day Saints,” Ensign, Jan. 1971, 85

President Nixon on the Latter-day Saints

The president of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, delivered an address in the Salt Lake Tabernacle on October 31, 1970. It was his final campaign speech prior to the November elections. Following his televised speech and after the Tabernacle Choir had sung, President Nixon returned to the podium to make the following statement:

“I would like to say a word in a personal vein to those in this Tabernacle with regard to an aspect of our work which is completely without partisanship and has no political consideration whatever in the usual sense.

“As you know we have instituted a custom of having worship services in the White House. We have done it because I felt it was important to bring to the nation’s capital representatives of various faiths—and most have been represented—but particularly to bring right to the White House where the president, cabinet members, and members of the diplomatic corps, members of Congress—Democrat and Republican—could be reminded that while this nation is the strongest and richest nation in the world, all the wealth and strength in the world is as nothing unless the spirit of America is sound and good.

“I do not know of any group in America, and I would say this not only here, but in other places in this country, who have contributed more to that strong, moral leadership and the high moral standards—the spirit has kept America going through bad times as well as good times; no group has done more than those who are members of this Church.

“I want to thank you for what you’ve done for the spirit of America.

“Whatever the outcome of elections, if you can continue to emphasize those spiritual values, I’m sure America is going to go ahead and do very well.”

Art by Merrill Gogan
