undefined undefined Today’s Family
Today’s Family
April 1971

“Today’s Family,” Ensign, Apr. 1971, 77–79

Today’s Family

We invite your contributions to this column. Share with us your ideas about homemaking, your questions on consumerism today, and your successful experiences in building family relationships.

What You Can Do with a Bit of Lace!

Meet Sister Margrit Lohner. She sings beautifully! She directs choruses with artistry and enthusiasm! She specializes in Swiss cookery! And she can organize and plan anything from a year-long MIA centennial celebration to a week-long Laurelife conference.

Here we share another of Margrit’s talents with you. She adapts exclusive patterns and makes beautiful wearing apparel for the members of her family, using lace and embroidered trims from European shops.

Margrit was born of Latter-day Saint parents in Zurich, Switzerland, and was active from the age of fourteen in the branch organizations. She came to Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1940 with her husband, Werner Lohner, and their baby. Today Margrit and her husband have three children and seven grandchildren.

Questions from Readers


Where can I find more information about macrame?

Jean Zobell [February, p. 77] reports that she sent to Woman’s Day for their booklet on Cords Plus Knots Make Macrame. Enclose $1.00. The address is: Woman’s Day, CKM, P.O. Box 1000, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830.

Bulgur Wheat

Where can we buy bulgur wheat?

To purchase bulgur wheat [February, p. 78], those living in the Mountain West may contact Bountiful Stake Bulgur Wheat Project, in care of Richard D. Shea, 161 East 470 North, Bountiful, Utah 84010. (Phone 801-295-1401.)

In the Middle West, contact Woodrow Nelson, 1925 West 34th Street, Topeka, Kansas 66611.

Wheat Storage Bedside Tables

May Olsen writes to suggest to Bernice Kentner [January, p. 92] that another round of wood from the lumber dealer, cut to fit the inside of the bottom rim of the storage can, with three or four castors attached, would make the storage bin-bedside table moveable.

Joyce Lohner, Margrit’s daughter, wears a rust and white pantsuit. The while fleece jacket features a rust, green, and blue woven trim purchased when Joyce and Margrit attended a youth conference in Norway.

Margrit F. Lohner, in olive green dress with beige-and-gold rose trim that was purchased in Paris, France.

Margrit sews on a white dress an edelweiss trim in black and soft green, bought in Germany.

Swiss embroidery, purchased in Australia, adorns checked gingham dress.

Penny, wife of Dr. Richard Lohner, with daughter Lisa. Delicate pink guipure embroidery from Switzerland trims Penny’s dress. White trim on Lisa’s dress is Swiss lace bought in Australia. Close-up photos show detail on neckline of Penny’s dress and on sleeve of Margrit’s dress.

Penny and Margrit match materials and trims from supply of trims Margrit keeps on hand.

Navy blue dress has trim of Swiss lace, bought in Australia.

Art by Phyllis Luch