undefined undefined Programs and Policies Newsletter
Programs and Policies Newsletter
July 1971

“Programs and Policies Newsletter,” Ensign, July 1971, 76

Programs and Policies Newsletter

No Camping at Hill Cumorah. To comply with New York State ordinances, no camping will be permitted on any Church properties in the Hill Cumorah area. Those planning to attend the yearly pageant who need accommodations are advised to contact Mrs. Dorothy Harris, pageant housing secretary, Visitors Center, Hill Cumorah, Palmyra, New York.

Dress Standards. A recent statement from the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve on women’s and girls’ dress has been issued: “The Church has not attempted to indicate just how long women’s or girls’ dresses should be nor whether they should wear pant suits or other types of clothing. We have always counseled our members to be modest in their dress, maintaining … standards … [that] would not be embarrassing to themselves and to their relatives, friends, and associates. We have advised our people that when going to the temple they should not wear slacks or mini-skirts, nor otherwise dress immodestly. We have not, however, felt it wise or necessary to give instructions on this subject relative to attendance at our church meetings, although we do feel that on such occasions they should have in mind that they are in the house of the Lord and should conduct themselves accordingly.”

Fasting and Fast Offering. Bishops of the Church should place increased emphasis on fasting, not only on the subject of contributions but on the spirit of the law of the fast. Current income from the fast offering supplies about two-thirds of the assistance needed.

Home Sacrament Service. Those families who find it almost impossible to attend sacrament meeting because they live a great distance from their ward or branch are permitted to hold sacrament service in their home under the direction of the father, if he worthily holds the Melchizedek Priesthood. This authorization is limited to a family unit. Others should not participate unless advance approval is obtained from the branch president or bishop. When a family sacrament service is held, the bishop or branch president should be informed so that it can be recorded in his correlated reports.

Sex Education. The First Presidency’s statement regarding sex education being taught in the schools is as follows: “We believe that serious hazards are involved in entrusting to the schools the teaching of this vital and important subject to our children. This responsibility cannot wisely be left to society, nor the schools; nor can the responsibility be shifted to the Church. It is the responsibility of parents to see that they fully perform their duty in this respect.”

Student and Servicemen’s Records. Thousands of LDS students and men and women going into military service are not immediately involved in Church programs in their new areas because their whereabouts are not known. If new addresses of students and servicemen can be obtained before they leave home, bishops are urged to promptly forward pink membership records for all such individuals to the Membership Department of the Presiding Bishopric’s Office at the time they depart for school or the service. It is important that a new address appear on the pink membership. At the height of the flow of pink membership records for the summer and fall semesters, processing may require two weeks.

No Girl Explorers. Mia Maid and Laurel girls in the Church are not to be registered in special-interest posts of the Explorer Scouting program. The international Explorer program now accepts full membership for coeds as well as boys. The MIA program already provides the ideal association for the girls and Explorer boys to be involved in joint programs and projects.

Primary Girls/YWMIA Camp. Primary girls do not graduate from Primary until the end of the Primary year, and they enter MIA at the beginning of the MIA year. For this reason, Primary girls are not to attend YWMIA camp during the summer before they enter MIA.