undefined undefined After All
After All
August 1971

“After All,” Ensign, Aug. 1971, 88

After All

The ultimate in love stories

Is somehow surpassed

By a simple, unheralded

Marriage that lasts.

Frances Moore Parker
Monroe, Louisiana

A small boy, brought out to be inspected by friends of the family, said: “How do you do. My, how I’ve grown. May I go now?”

Lucille S. Harper
Cheverly, Maryland

Missing Persons

Some people can’t recall a name,

Others forget a face,

But I confess, and to my shame,

It’s both I cannot place.

Donna Evleth
Los Gatos, California

Sign on a seminary bulletin board: “Forbidden fruit can get you in a bad jam.”

Ron Dalby
Cedar City, Utah

“Prejudice—a vagrant opinion without visible means of support.”

Ambrose Bierce
The Devil’s Dictionary

Husbandly Pride

My memory, he says,

Is the best there is.

(But only until

It conflicts with his!)

M. Goodwin
Council Bluffs, Iowa