undefined undefined New Sunday School Superintendency
New Sunday School Superintendency
August 1971

“New Sunday School Superintendency,” Ensign, Aug. 1971, 81

New Sunday School Superintendency

Dr. Russell M. Nelson, president of the Bonneville Stake and noted Utah heart surgeon, was named June 27 as general superintendent of the Deseret Sunday School Union.

Chosen as his assistants were Joseph B. Wirthlin, second counselor in the Bonneville Stake presidency, and Richard L. Warner, president of the University First Stake.

Released with a vote of thanks by the Church assembled in MIA June Conference, where the announcements were made, were Superintendent David Lawrence McKay, now president of the Eastern States Mission, and his assistants, Lynn S. Richards and Royden G. Derrick.

The retiring brethren have a record rich in service to the Sunday School. Superintendent McKay had served as a member of the Sunday School general board since 1944, a member of the general superintendency since 1949, and general superintendent since December 2, 1966. Superintendent Richards served on the Sunday School general board from 1934 to 1947 and was named first assistant in the general superintendency in 1952. Superintendent Derrick served on the Sunday School general board from 1954 to 1957 and was called as second assistant general superintendent in 1966.

Superintendent Nelson, born in Salt Lake City on September 9, 1925, married Dantzel White in 1945; they are parents of nine daughters. Dr. Nelson has achieved national recognition for his work in the field of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. He is president of the Association of Directors of Thoracic Residencies and of the Utah State Medical Association.

Superintendent Wirthlin, 54, Salt Lake City businessman, married Elisa Young Rogers in 1941; they are parents of eight children. Superintendent Warner, 47, Utah automobile dealer and sports figure, married Marian Nelson in 1949; they have nine children.

New Sunday School Superintendency

Members of the new general Sunday School superintendency are Joseph B. Wirthlin, left, first assistant; Russell M. Nelson, superintendent; and Richard L. Warner, second assistant.

Outgoing Sunday School Superintendency

Those who served in the outgoing superintendency were Lynn S. Richards, left, first assistant; David Lawrence McKay, superintendent; and Royden G. Derrick, second assistant.