undefined undefined After All
After All
September 1971

“After All,” Ensign, Sept. 1971, 80

After All

Committees of twenty deliberate plenty.

Committees of ten act now and then.

But most jobs are done by committees of one.

The discussion in our branch family home evening class centered around the concepts taught in Matthew 5:2 regarding doing good deeds without “sounding a trumpet” to let everyone know of them [Matt. 5:2]. The concept was well received by one good sister, who remarked, “In other words, let your light shine, but don’t toot your horn.”

Michael M. Frame
Price, Utah

An inquisitive little girl asked her mother, “What happens to an automobile when it gets too old and banged up to run?” Mother answered grimly, “Somebody sells it to your father.”

To lighten the work, we were making our own fun as we harvested ripe fruit at the stake cherry orchard. We were happily popping “mistakes” (cherries picked without stems) into our mouths as we added new endings to old slogans. “The family that picks together sticks together” brought moderate response. But laughter rocked the picking ladders as an experienced picker offered, “The family that picks together gets sick together.”

Val C. Wilcox
Provo, Utah

The little sister of two Cub Scouts fell into the lake. The Scouts rushed home with tears streaming down their faces. “We tried to give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” sobbed one of the boys, “but she kept getting up and walking away.”

A wise deacon, asked to write a school paper on “Care of the Teeth,” came up with these basic rules:

See your dentist at regular intervals.

Brush your teeth after every meal.

Watch out for shovers at the drinking fountain.