Programs and Policies Newsletter
December 1971

“Programs and Policies Newsletter,” Ensign, Dec. 1971, 146

Programs and Policies Newsletter

Genealogical Record Changes. To establish a consistent and uniform procedure by which changes in records will be made, the following enlargement on item 14, page 33, of the Records Submission Manual is given: “14. CHANGES. Changes or corrections on forms submitted for processing cannot be made while forms are being processed. Corrections may only be made after the record has completed processing and the first notification form has been received. Only corrections which involve the identity of the individual should be submitted. The Genealogical Society will evaluate each request to determine the necessity for the correction. Any correction requested should be explained in a letter and must be accompanied by the notification form or a copy thereof which lists the person for whom the correction is requested. The fact that requests for corrections are made only points up the need for greater diligence in copying and proofreading records submitted for processing.”

Library Open House. An open house is scheduled in connection with “Resources for Effective Teaching,” lesson 9 of the series two teacher-development inservice lesson. Additional information for this event will be sent to meetinghouse libraries in time to adequately plan for it to be held in the spring of 1972. Library open houses/displays, conducted by meetinghouse library personnel, can teach and demonstrate to priesthood and auxiliary organizations the services and instructional materials available through the meetinghouse library. No authorization has been given for holding an open house or media fair on a regional basis.

Welfare Aid to Transient Members. The Office of the Presiding Bishopric has received many reports of transient persons attempting to take unfair advantage of the Church welfare program. Bishops should be very cautious in rendering assistance to transient members. They should always check with the former bishop in order to verify the need and particularly the worthiness of the person requesting aid.

Priesthood Genealogy Class. Because of misunderstandings about administrative responsibility, it is emphasized that the priesthood genealogy class is to be supervised and taught under the direction of the bishop. As the priesthood leader responsible for genealogy in the ward, he may, however, appoint the high priests group leader to assume direct responsibility for the class. The booklet A Continuing Priesthood Program for Family Exaltation, 1970, pages 17–20, gives instructions for holding this class. The time and place are to be determined by the bishop. Experience has shown that the class has generally been more successful when held on Sunday morning, depending on room space and teacher availability. If held during Sunday School time, it remains under the direction of the bishop rather than the Sunday School superintendent.

Nauvoo Visitors Center. Built under the direction of the Nauvoo Restoration, Inc., the Nauvoo Visitors Center was recently dedicated on a sixteen-acre rural site overlooking the Mississippi River at Nauvoo, Illinois. The million-dollar center was dedicated by President N. Eldon Tanner, second counselor in the First Presidency. The dedicatory service was held under a huge tent adjacent to the new visitors center, where approximately 4,000 persons listened to historical accounts of early Nauvoo when 125 years ago it was the largest city in the state.
