“Contents,” Ensign, Jan. 1972, 1
January 1972
Volume 2 Number 1
In This Issue: This special issue of the Ensign commemorates the completion and dedication of the first temples built in Utah in seventy-nine years (see story, page 6). It becomes the official publication for the public showings and dedications of the Ogden and Provo temples and is expected to be saved and treasured as a valued memento of these historical and sacred events.
In this “temple treasury” issue are (1) full-color photographs on more than fifty pages, including reproductions of all temples built in this dispensation; (2) new photographs of the Ogden and Provo temples; (3) outstanding articles and photographs on temples and related subjects from various Church publications over the years.
The beautiful photographs of the Ogden and Provo temples on the covers and pages 7 and 8 were taken by Ensign photographer Eldon Linschoten and designer Merrill Gogan.