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January 1972
The Coming of Elijah
Joseph Fielding Smith
Two Temples to Be Dedicated
Doyle L. Green
Stakes in Temple Districts
Temple Districts
Provo and Ogden Temple Leaders
Provo: A City with a Colorful Past
Albert L. Zobell Jr.
Ogden, Utah’s Oldest Settlement
Eleanor Knowles
Latter-day Temples
The Purpose of Temples
David O. McKay
Why Mormons Build Temples
Mark E. Petersen
Looking toward the Temple
John A. Widtsoe
The LDS Concept of Marriage
Hugh B. Brown
Some Things You Need to Know About the Temple
ElRay L. Christiansen
Ancient Temples and Their Functions
Sidney B. Sperry
In His House
Joseph Smith’s Testimony
The Articles of Faith
“Temple Districts,” Ensign, Jan. 1972, 16
Special Issue: Temples