April 1972 Contents Harold B. Lee“I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked” Lorin F. WheelwrightFive Roads to Jericho Jack R. Jenkins“The World Is So Full of a Number of Things” David H. Yarn Jr.The Messianic Expectation Russell M. NelsonThe Five A’s of Stewardship Poetry Laurie Ann HuffmanOne Morning of Each Year Solveig Paulson RussellSpring Fever Harrison M. DavisGrunewald’s Crucifixion Mildred BarthelStarting Now Provo Temple Dedicatory Prayer Mayda BrunaughMy Testimony Began in Relief Society Daniel H. LudlowThe Greatest Week in History Richard SchmutzCan Records Really Tell Us What Happened in the Past? Mary Ellen JolleyYou Can Bank on It! Kenley ReeseThen Comes Tomorrow Lynn Eric JohnsonChurch-Sponsored Educational Opportunities Perry Manwaring“Black Marks Your Eye Can Pick Off the Page” Ruth H. BarrusA Teacher’s Gift Ann RomickA Penny’s Worth of Love Policies, Programs, and People Books Our Readers Write Religion in the World John Hal JohnsonProteins by the Millions of Bushels Recipes Jenniev J. Poulson and John R. ChristiansenThe Security of a Food Supply After All He Is Risen! Doyle L. GreenThe Journeys and Ministry of Jesus the Christ