“The Journeys and Ministry of Jesus the Christ,” Ensign, Apr. 1972, insert
The Journeys and Ministry of Jesus the Christ
This graphic presentation has been developed to aid those who love Jesus to gain a better understanding of his earthly life and ministry.
From the map-o-graph one can determine at a glance at what stage in the Savior’s life important events occurred and where he was at the time. The map-o-graph and the reference table form an excellent ready reference combination. After locating an incident in the Savior’s life on the map-o-graph, one can turn to the table and find in which gospel or gospels it is recorded and where. Or, conversely, by matching numbers, one can quickly locate on the map-o-graph any occurrence listed in the table.
Events in the Savior’s life are infinitely more important than the time or place they occurred; still, relating happenings to places and times may make the events themselves more interesting and significant. Furthermore, the more elements one can associate with an incident, the more readily it may be learned, the longer it may be retained, and the quicker it can be recalled.
The task of relating the events of the Savior’s life to places and time sequences is a challenging one for three primary reasons:
(1) None of the four gospels contains the complete account of the Savior’s ministry. While some events are recorded by all four writers, others are told by three, two, or, in a great many cases, by only one.
(2) It would seem that the gospel writers did not record all of the events in precisely the same order.
(3) The locations where many incidents occurred are described in one or more of the gospels, but the exact spot where some events took place is not revealed. Other places are described only generally or in such a manner that they cannot be located with accuracy today; for example, which was the Mount of Transfiguration? Mt. Hermon? Mt. Tabor? Mt. Cana? We do not know. Again, at what point along the one hundred and twenty sultry miles of the Jordan River was the Savior baptized? John says at Bethabara. But where was that city? Its location is in doubt.
On the map-o-graph, places that can be more or less definitely located are identified by black dots. When the exact spot is in question, the event is related to the general area where it is known or thought to have occurred.
Devoted scholars, comparing the gospels and utilizing archaeological finds and topographical information, have been attempting for many years to fit missing pieces together, or in other words to “harmonize” the gospels as to chronology, doctrine, and place locations. The chronological information used in the construction of this map-o-graph and reference table, with a few exceptions, follows the harmony of President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., printed in Our Lord of the Gospels. According to President Clark’s preface he “arranged the incidents in a chronological order that seemed generally to represent the majority view of the harmonists consulted.”
Even though the sequence of some of the events as well as some of the place locations might be in question, these are relatively minor, and it is believed that in spite of this possible weakness this visual presentation of the journeys and ministry of Jesus will fill a great need.
Table of References
Event Number |
Event |
Matthew |
Mark |
Luke |
John |
1 |
Christ is born | ||||
2 |
Taken to temple as a baby | ||||
3 |
Taken to Egypt | ||||
4 |
Spends childhood | ||||
5 |
Visits temple at age 12 | ||||
6 |
Grows to manhood | ||||
7 |
Baptized of John | ||||
8 |
Spends 40 days in wilderness | ||||
9 |
Meets Andrew and Simon | ||||
10 |
Finds Philip and Nathanael | ||||
11 |
Turns water into wine | ||||
12 |
Visits “his own city” | ||||
13 |
Attends Passover | ||||
14 |
Cleanses temple | ||||
15 |
Visited by Nicodemus | ||||
16 |
Tarries and baptizes in Judea | ||||
17 |
John is imprisoned | ||||
18 |
Teaches Samaritan woman at well | ||||
19 |
Teaches gospel in synagogues | ||||
20 |
Heals nobleman’s son | ||||
21 |
Is rejected | ||||
22 |
Calls Peter, Andrew, James, John | ||||
23 |
Teaches as one having authority | ||||
24 |
Casts out unclean spirit | ||||
25 |
Heals Peter’s mother-in-law | ||||
26 |
Tours Galilee healing sick | ||||
27 |
Delivers Sermon on Mount | ||||
28 |
Heals leper | ||||
29 |
Heals man sick of the palsy | ||||
30 |
Calls Matthew | ||||
31 |
Talks to John’s disciples | ||||
32 |
Attends second Passover | ||||
33 |
Heals man at Bethesda | ||||
34 |
Jews seek to kill him | ||||
35 |
Disciples pluck corn on Sabbath | ||||
36 |
Heals man with withered hand | ||||
37 |
Teaches from ship; heals many | ||||
38 |
Spends night praying | ||||
39 |
Chooses the twelve apostles | ||||
40 |
Heals many | ||||
41 |
Preaches Sermon on the Plain | ||||
42 |
Heals centurian’s servant | ||||
43 |
Raises widow’s son from dead | ||||
44 |
Praises John the Baptist | ||||
45 |
Upbraids cities, prays to Father | ||||
46 |
Anointed by sinful woman | ||||
47 |
Teaches in every city and village | ||||
48 |
Heals blind and dumb man | ||||
49 |
Accused by Pharisees | ||||
50 |
Discourses on signs | ||||
51 |
His mother & brethren seek him | ||||
52 |
Teaches from ship by parables | ||||
53 |
Stills the storm | ||||
54 |
Casts out devils | ||||
55 |
Raises daughter of Jairus | ||||
56 |
Heals woman with issue of blood | ||||
57 |
Heals blind men, dumb demoniac | ||||
58 |
Teaches in synagogue; is rejected | ||||
59 |
Teaches and heals the sick | ||||
60 |
Sends forth the twelve | ||||
61 |
John is beheaded | ||||
62 |
The twelve return | ||||
63 |
Rests in desert near Bethsaida | ||||
64 |
Teaches multitudes; feeds 5,000 | ||||
65 |
Walks on the sea | ||||
66 |
Discourses on bread of life | ||||
67 |
Heals people in Gennesaret | ||||
68 |
Discourses on cleanliness | ||||
69 |
Goes to coasts of Tyre and Sidon | ||||
70 |
Heals daughter of Greek woman | ||||
71 |
Returns to Sea of Galilee | ||||
72 |
Heals deaf man | ||||
73 |
Teaches; heals sick | ||||
74 |
Feeds the 4,000 | ||||
75 |
Visits Magdala | ||||
76 |
Gives discourse on signs | ||||
77 |
Heals blind man | ||||
78 |
Peter testifies of him | ||||
79 |
Tells of his death & resurrection | ||||
80 |
Is transfigured | ||||
81 |
Heals boy with dumb spirit | ||||
82 |
Gets tribute money from fish | ||||
83 |
Discourses on meekness, etc. | ||||
84 |
Samaritan village refuses him | ||||
85 |
Sends forth the seventy | ||||
86 |
Attends feast of tabernacles | ||||
87 |
Teaches in temple | ||||
88 |
Forgives adultress | ||||
89 |
Bears record of himself | ||||
90 |
The seventy return | ||||
91 |
Tells parable of good Samaritan | ||||
92 |
Visits Mary and Martha | ||||
93 |
Teaches disciples to pray | ||||
94 |
Casts out dumb devil | ||||
95 |
Discourses on cleanliness | ||||
96 |
Teaches by parable | ||||
97 |
Heals man born blind | ||||
98 |
Gives parable of good Shepherd | ||||
99 |
Attends feast of dedication | ||||
100 |
Escapes from enemies | ||||
101 |
Goes beyond the Jordan | ||||
102 |
Teaches; heals woman on Sabbath | ||||
103 |
Warned Herod seeks to kill him | ||||
104 |
Receives word that Lazarus is ill | ||||
105 |
Heals man with dropsy | ||||
106 |
Gives discourse on sacrifice | ||||
107 |
Teaches by parable | ||||
108 |
Talks on offences | ||||
109 |
Raises Lazarus from the dead | ||||
110 |
Chief priests plot his death | ||||
111 |
Goes to city of Ephraim | ||||
112 |
Begins journey to Jerusalem | ||||
113 |
Heals ten lepers | ||||
114 |
Discourses on kingdom of God | ||||
115 |
Speaks in parables | ||||
116 |
Goes beyond the Jordan | ||||
117 |
Discourses on marriage & divorce | ||||
118 |
Blesses little children | ||||
119 |
Talks with rich young ruler | ||||
120 |
Gives parable of laborers | ||||
121 |
Heals Bartimaeus | ||||
122 |
Sees Zacchaeus in tree | ||||
123 |
Gives parable of ten pounds | ||||
124 |
Goes before the 12 to Jerusalem | ||||
125 |
Many seek him | ||||
126 |
Reaches Bethany for Passover |
Week of Atoning Sacrifice
Goes to Bethphage, mounts donkey, descends Mount of Olives, makes “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem, returns to Bethany. (Matt. 21:1–11; Mark 11:1–11; Luke 19:29–44; John 12:12–19.)
Leaves Bethany for Jerusalem, curses fig tree, heals blind and lame, cleanses the temple, returns to Bethany. (Matt. 21:12–19; Mark 11:12–19; Luke 19:45–48; Luke 21:37.)
Sees withered fig tree on way to Jerusalem from Bethany, enters temple, answers question on authority, tribute money, marriage after resurrection, the great commandment, whose Son he is. Condemns Pharisees, laments over Jerusalem, talks of widow’s mite, sought by Greeks. Voice from heaven is heard. Gives discourse on Mount of Olives, tells of final judgment, chief priests plot to take him; anointed by Mary in house of Simon the leper. Judas arranges betrayal. (Matt. 21:19–46; Matt. 22; Matt. 23; Matt. 24; Matt. 25; Matt. 26:1–16; Mark 11:20–33; Mark 12; Mark 13; Mark 14:1–11; Luke 20; Luke 21; Luke 22:3–6; John 12.)
This day may have been spent in Bethany with his disciples.
In the evening he goes to “upper room” in Jerusalem for last supper. Washes disciples’ feet, eats Passover meal, reveals his betrayer, foretells his death, institutes the sacrament, tells Peter he will deny him, gives dissertation about the Comforter, goes to Mount of Olives where he continues teaching his disciples, prays to his Father, goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray; he is betrayed, arrested, and bound. (Matt. 26:17–56; Mark 14:12–52; Luke 22:7–53; John 13; John 14; John 15; John 16; John 17; John 18:3–12.)
About midnight he is taken into Jerusalem, first to Annas, then to Caiaphas, then to the Sanhedrin. He is mocked and maltreated, denied by Peter, tried and condemned by Jews, taken before Pilate, then Herod, returned to Pilate who condemns and delivers him up to be crucified. Goes to Calvary and is crucified. Buried in tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea. (Matt 26:57–75; Matt. 27:1–61; Mark 14:53–72; Mark 15; Luke 22:54–62; Luke 23; John 18:13–40; John 19:1–42.)
Body lies in tomb.
The Lord is resurrected. (Matt. 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20; John 21.)
Those to Whom the Savior Appeared after His Resurrection
Mary Magdalene in the Garden. (Mark 16:9; John 20:11–17.)
The women who came to seek him as they go to tell his disciples. (Matt. 28:9–10.)
Two disciples on the road to Emmaus. (Mark 16:12; Luke 24:13–32.)
Simon Peter. (Luke 24:33–35; 1 Cor. 15:5.)
All the apostles except Thomas in upper room where “he breathed on them and sayeth unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” (Mark 16:14–18; Luke 24:36–49; John 20:19–23.)
After eight days to the eleven disciples. (John 20:26–29.)
Seven disciples at the Sea of Galilee. (John 21:1–14.)
“After that, he was seen of about five hundred brethren at once.” (1 Cor. 15:6.)
“After that, he was seen by James.” (1 Cor. 15:7.)
Eleven disciples on a mountain in Galilee. (Matt. 28:16–20.)
His disciples at Bethany, on the Mount of Olives, from which place he ascended into heaven. (Mark 16:19–20; Luke 24:50–51; Acts 1:6–11.)
The Journeys and Ministry of Jesus the Christ