The Presiding Bishops of the Church
July 1972

“The Presiding Bishops of the Church,” Ensign, July 1972, 23

The Presiding Bishops of the Church

Since 1831, at which time the Lord called by revelation the first Presiding Bishop in this dispensation, the following ten men have served in this office:

  • 1. Edward Partridge—called by revelation to be a bishop February 4, 1831, at age 38; died May 27, 1840, at Nauvoo.

  • 2. Newel Kimball Whitney—called by revelation to be the first bishop of Kirtland. Sustained as first bishop of the Church, October 7, 1844, at age 49; named Presiding Bishop April 6, 1847; died September 23, 1850, Salt Lake City.

  • 3. Edward Hunter—sustained April 7, 1851, at age 58; died October 16, 1883, Salt Lake City.

  • 4. William Bowker Preston—sustained April 6, 1884, at age 53; released due to ill health December 4, 1907.

  • 5. Charles Wilson Nibley—sustained December 4, 1907, at age 48; sustained as second counselor to President Heber J. Grant May 28, 1925.

  • 6. Sylvester Quayle Cannon—sustained October 6, 1925, at age 48; sustained associate to Council of the Twelve, April 6, 1938.

  • 7. LeGrand Richards—sustained April 6, 1938, at age 52; ordained an apostle April 10, 1952.

  • 8. Joseph L. Wirthlin—sustained second counselor on April 6, 1938; first counselor, December 12, 1946; Presiding Bishop, April 6, 1952, at age 58; released due to ill health September 30, 1961.

  • 9. John H. Vandenberg—sustained September 30, 1961, at age 56; sustained Assistant to the Council of the Twelve April 6, 1972.

  • 10. Victor L. Brown—sustained second counselor September 30, 1961; Presiding Bishop April 6, 1972, at age 57.