“Sunday School Organizational Changes,” Ensign, Oct. 1972, 81
Sunday School Organizational Changes
The following changes in the Sunday School organizational program have recently been announced:
Stake and ward Sunday Schools have formed executive committees consisting of the Sunday School presidency, Junior Sunday School coordinator, and secretary. The executive committee meets regularly to plan meetings and implement instructions from the Sunday School general board and from ward and stake priesthood leaders. These executive committee meetings replace the superintendency planning meetings held in the past.
In addition, to strengthen the work, the following responsibilities are assigned to stake and ward Sunday School officers: president—administers entire program and supervises his counselors, Junior Sunday School coordinator, and secretary; youth and young adult area counselor—supervises the teachers of courses 8–17 and the senior Sunday School music; adult area counselor—supervises the teachers of courses 8–17 and inservice leaders; Junior Sunday School coordinator—supervises assistant secretary, Junior Sunday School music, and teachers of courses 3–7.
The functions of other stake and ward faculty members remain unchanged, and they are not members of the executive committee. (Sunday School Bulletin.)