“Contents,” Ensign, Dec. 1972, 1
Special Features
First Presidency Message: Find the Answers in the ScripturesPresident Harold B. Lee
The Gifts of ChristmasElder John A. Widtsoe
Cunén ChristmasJames L. Ficklin
Pointers for Parents: Creating Your Own Christmas Spirit
“Dear Mom: Send Cookies!”Jean Hedengren Moultrie
Search the ScripturesJay M. Todd
Prophecies and Promises of the Doctrine and CovenantsRodney Turner
What the Scriptures Say about Being a HusbandNeil J. Flinders
The Pearl of Great Price: A Unique ScriptureJames R. Harris
What the Scriptures Say about Being a WifeMargery S. Cannon
What the Scriptures Say about Rearing ChildrenRobert J. Matthews
Imagery of the MasterDon O. Thorpe and Jay M. Todd
The Sermon on the MountDavid H. Yarn, Jr.
What the Scriptures Say about Pursuit of WealthQuinn G. McKay
Joseph Smith’s Inspired Translation of the BibleRobert J. Matthews
What the Scriptures Say about SufferingArthur R. Bassett
The Book of Mormon Goes to PressGayle Goble Ord
What the Scriptures Say about HappinessArthur R. Bassett
The Game’s in the NameRobert E. Parsons
The Old Testament Speaks TodayW. Cleon Skousen
What the Scriptures Mean to MeRafael Alberto Galindez J. Stan Marquiss Mrs. Lodemez Clara Cecily Sim Dorothy Kaye Wallace Edna O. F. Shaw Peter Mourik Paul G. Sheldon William Ladd Hollist Isaac Swartzberg J. Talmage Jones Anita Miller Stephen D. McKasson
Regular Features
Fiction: Our First Christmas EveNancy French
News of the Church
After All
Our Readers Write
On the cover: Photographs by Don O. Thorpe representing imagery in the sayings of Jesus are featured on this month’s cover and the inside front and back covers. A special feature with additional photographs begins on page 36.
Inside front cover: Photograph by Don O. Thorpe
Inside back cover: Photograph by Don O. Thorpe