A Jewish attorney finds the Messiah
December 1972

“A Jewish attorney finds the Messiah,” Ensign, Dec. 1972, 63

A Jewish attorney finds the Messiah

I am an attorney and was raised on a farm in Transvaal, South Africa, of Orthodox Jewish parents in a very formal Jewish environment. In the 1950s I married a Jewish girl, but something was missing in my life. Although I knew there was a God, I did not really know him. I regularly went to synagogue and I tried to run a kosher Jewish home, but eventually I abandoned this practice. Unhappily my marriage ended in divorce.

Then on a miraculous day I met my present wife, Edwina. Early I found out that she was a Mormon, but I paid little attention to this. As time passed, I realized that I loved her more than life.

But what was I to do? You can realize the problems that arose within my family because I was dating a gentile. So I decided that I should investigate the Mormon religion for six months, and thereafter Edwina would investigate Judaism for six months, and it would all be solved. We would be Jews. I will never forget Edwina’s smile when she said, “Investigate, and then we’ll see.”

During the next months I spent many lonely hours worrying and reading.

Eventually, one morning about two o’clock, I turned to the Bible. A thought entered my mind. I realized that I knew Psalm 23 well, but I had never read Psalm 22. As I began to read, suddenly there came a dawning in my mind. David was describing the crucifixion in all its terrible magnificence many years before the event:

“They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.

“I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

“My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.

“For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

“I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

“They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

“But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me.” (Ps. 22:13–19.)

As I read this, I knew as surely as I live that Jesus was the Messiah! Can you imagine what this did to me? During the next three months I discovered that all my concepts were wrong.

My whole life changed and I came to one conclusion: I was wrong. With this knowledge that the Messiah had come, I started to seek his church. I read the Book of Mormon in earnest. Yes, it was written “to the convincing of the Jew and gentile that Jesus is the Christ.”

As I read I prayed. The Holy Spirit manifested the truth of the gospel to me. I went to Edwina and told her I wanted to be baptized. Later we were married. Now, at 41, I serve on the high council of the Transvaal Stake. I have never found in my entire life such satisfaction and purpose as I do now.
