“Contents,” Ensign, Jan. 1973, 1 Ensign January 1973 Volume 3 Number 1 Contents Special Features The Sustaining of President Harold B. Lee Jay M. Todd Elder Bruce R. McConkie President S. Dilworth Young Elder O. Leslie Stone Lawrence E. Cummins Elder James E. Faust Eleanor Knowles Elder L. Tom Perry Paul James Toscano President Rex D. Pinegar David Mitchell General Conference Section “May the Kingdom of God Go Forth” President Harold B. Lee Warnings from Outer Space President N. Eldon Tanner Why The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President Marion G. Romney “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” President Spencer W. Kimball The New General Church Office Building The Changing of the Guard Jack Weyland Simple Sunday Menus Audrey M. Godfrey Regular Features News of the Church Pointers for Parents: Test Your I.Q. Our Readers Write After All On the cover: Members of the First Presidency are photographed as they give a sustaining vote in the solemn assembly of the 142nd Semiannual General Conference of the Church. Photograph by J M. Heslop. Photography throughout this special section on general conference is by Eldon Linschoten, Ensign staff photographer.