undefined undefined Three Pledges
Three Pledges
January 1973

“Three Pledges,” Ensign, Jan. 1973, 132

Three Pledges

Elder Loren Dunn, as I left for lunch, whispered in my ear and said, “They grade General Authorities on how little time they take in their first address.” I am trying for a straight A today.

I would just like to make three pledges: First of all, to my dear wife, whom I love, sustain, and support. If she continues to support me the way she has in the last twenty-five years, I know I cannot fail any assignment.

Second, to my three lovely children, Barbara, Lee, and Gay. I will try to live worthy of the inspiration of the Lord to be a priesthood leader in the home.

And finally, to President Lee, his great counselors, the Council of the Twelve, I sustain and support you. Let me help you carry the great burden which is yours.

This is the church of Jesus Christ as it has been established in the latter days. I am grateful for that testimony, for the strength it gives me. I say this humbly, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.