undefined undefined After All
After All
March 1973

“After All,” Ensign, Mar. 1973, 49

After All

Our Sunday School class was discussing whether or not Eve was deceived when she partook of the forbidden fruit. Not wishing to accept the idea that Eve was tricked, one sister suggested that perhaps Eve was dis-Eved in the fall—whereupon someone retorted, “If you accept that version, you are obviously nai-Eve.”

Mrs. Cheryl Swann
Preston, Idaho

At a special children’s Sunday School held during a stake conference, one little boy stated that he wasn’t used to attending our church. When the other children asked if he was a Mormon, he replied. “No, I’m a cafeterian.” We were puzzled until we realized that his ward regularly met in a school cafeteria.

L. A. Walker
Provo, Utah

During a recent Sunday School class the teacher posed the question, “Do you think Adam had more than one wife?” After various comments from class members, an elderly gentleman added, “It would have been impossible. Adam could not have lived to the ripe old age of 930 and had any ribs left.”

Judy Y. Strebel
Salt Lake City, Utah

Having found a toy truck under the seat after church, my children were discussing whether or not they had to turn it in to lost and found. “What is ‘lost and found’?” asked the five-year-old. “It means,” said her younger brother wistfully, “they lost it, we found it, and then we lost it and they found it.”

At a party given in honor of our stake president, a lady called to the podium was introduced as his mother who was nearly 91 years old. The microphone amplified her whispered comment to the master of ceremonies, “Not 91. I’m only 90!”

James W. Johnson
Eugene, Oregon

We knew our constant efforts at correcting our children’s grammar were starting to take effect when, as we were driving home from a stake conference at which President Paul H. Dunn was the visiting General Authority, my husband started to say, “Brother Dunn—” and 12-year-old Kris quickly shouted, “did!”

Eva L. Hassell
Cuba, New Mexico

There once was a pious high priest

Who lived almost wholly on yeast;

“For,” said he, “ ’tis quite plain

We must all rise again,

And I want to get started, at least.”

John E. Lewis
Orem, Utah

One evening, as she was making the rounds of her children to tuck them in for the night, my sister-in-law noticed her youngest daughter, Emily, saying her prayers. Waiting until the prayer was finished, she complimented Emily on remembering to pray, but added, “I think Heavenly Father would rather have you kneel by the bed instead of in it.” “Oh?” asked Emily. “Show me the scripture.”

Mrs. Marilyn Barth
Los Angeles, California

Russell was happy as only a three-and-a-half-year-old can be in the reflected importance of having his grandfather as bishop. When answering the telephone one evening he stated, “The bishop isn’t home, but the grandma bishop and the little boy bishop are.”

Jessie Cravens
San Bernardino, California

When I asked my Primary class, “Does Heavenly Father always hear our prayers?” they all answered yes except one five-year-old boy, who firmly answered no. When I asked him why not, he replied in a very superior manner, “Because sometimes he has too many meetings to go to.”

Barbara Kime
Alhambra, California