Leadership in the Home and Church
March 1973

“Leadership in the Home and Church,” Ensign, Mar. 1973, 33

Leadership in the Home and Church

An anonymous saying suggests: “There is no person who at some time, somewhere, somehow, does not lead another.”

Thus—since all of us are leaders (even if only leading ourselves), it is appropriate that the Ensign present ideas relating to gospel leadership. The areas of application are many: (1) for improvement of one’s self, (2) for husband and wife who cooperate in an eternal leadership setting, (3) for parents, who are in very deed leaders of a miniature kingdom under their tutelage and direction, (4) for children, who share leadership among themselves, (5) for persons seeking to work harmoniously with neighbors and friends, and (6) for all Saints who carry on their shoulders the countless assignments of responsibility that flow from activity in the Church.

There is no person in the Church who is not a leader—to someone or some group. Thus, the Ensign will regularly present special sections on leadership and teaching. Please note that several features invite reader response and assistance, in order to share experiences and thoughts.

To accomplish this assignment, a committee has been appointed. Readers will sense the appreciation due these good brethren: Dr. William G. Dyer, chairman, Department of Organizational Behavior, Brigham Young University, and contributing editor of this section, with the following committee members, also from BYU: Dr. Gene Dalton and Dr. J. Weldon Moffitt, Department of Organizational Behavior; Dr. Philip B. Daniels and Dr. David V. Simpson, Department of Psychology; and Beverly Nalder, Department of Personnel Development and Counseling.

Ideas for future special leadership sections are welcome.

—Jay M. Todd,
Managing editor