undefined undefined Statement on Peace, Cease-Fire Issued by First Presidency
Statement on Peace, Cease-Fire Issued by First Presidency
March 1973

“Statement on Peace, Cease-Fire Issued by First Presidency,” Ensign, Mar. 1973, 64

Statement on Peace, Cease-Fire Issued by First Presidency

The longed-for halt to the conflict in Southeast Asia was welcomed as “joyous news indeed” by the First Presidency and the world at large. In a statement on the cease-fire, the First Presidency said:

“Our prayers now are that a just and enduring peace will follow, for all the people who have been involved in this long and devastating conflict. Our hearts go out to the families who have been deprived of loved ones and of their homes in this wearying war.

“Our hope is that there will be established, in the days ahead in the lands which have been torn by this terrible war, representative governments which will protect the individual in his or her inalienable rights. We reaffirm the declaration of belief regarding governments and laws in general adopted by the general assembly of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on August 17, 1835 at Kirtland, Ohio:

“‘We believe that no government can exist in peace, except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property and the protection of life.

“‘We believe that every man Should be honored in his station. …’ (D&C 134:2, 6.)

“We hope that mankind everywhere, now more than ever, will seek the inner personal peace that comes through knowing and living the message of the Master, Jesus the Christ, the Prince of Peace.”