“The Families of Abraham and Israel,” Ensign, May 1973, 48
The Families of Abraham and Israel
Throughout the Church many adults are studying the Old Testament in Gospel Doctrine classes. To assist them in seeing clearly the family lines of Abraham to Israel, the following chart is presented.
1. TERAH—Gen. 11:26–27, 31–32; 1 Chr. 1:26; Luke 3:34; Abr. 2:1.
2. ABRAHAM—Gen. 11:26–27, 29–31; Gen. 21:1–5; 1 Chr. 1:27–28; Luke 3:34; Abr. 2:2.
3. HARAN—Gen. 11:28–29; Abr. 2:2.
4. NAHOR—Gen. 11:29; Gen. 22:20–24; Gen. 24:15, 24; Gen. 29:5; Gen. 31:53; Abr. 2:2.
5. SARAH*, or SARAI—Appears twice on the chart, as the daughter of Haran and as the wife of Abraham. Gen. 11:29–30; Gen. 17:15–16; Abr. 2:2.
6. HAGAR—Wife of Abraham. Gen. 16; Gen. 21:9–21; Gen. 25:12.
7. KETURAH—Wife of Abraham. Gen. 25:1–4; 1 Chr. 1:32–33.
8. MILCAH—Appears twice on the chart, as the daughter of Haran and as the wife of Nahor. Gen. 11:29; Gen. 22:20–23; Gen. 24:15, 24, 47; Abr. 2:2.
9. LOT—Gen. 11:27, 31; Abr. 2:4.
10. ISCAH—Gen. 11:29.
11. MOAB—Gen. 19:37. His descendants were known as Moabites.
12. BENAMMI—Gen. 19:38. His descendants were known as Ammonites.
13. REUMAH—Wife of Nahor. Gen. 22:24.
15. BETHUEL—Gen. 22:22–23; Gen. 24:15, 24; Gen. 25:20; Gen. 28:2, 5.
16. LABAN—Gen. 24:15, 24, 29; Gen. 25:20; Gen. 28:2; Gen. 29:5, 10, 16.
17. REBEKAH*—Appears twice on the chart, as the daughter of Bethuel and as the wife of Isaac. Gen. 22:23; Gen. 24:7, 15, 24, 58–67; Gen. 25:20–28.
18. ISHMAEL—Gen. 16:10–16; Gen. 17:20–21; Gen. 21:9–21; 1 Chr. 1:28–31.
19. ISHMAELITES (the descendants of Ishmael)—Most authorities agree that the Ishmaelites made up a part of what became known as the Arab nations. Gen. 25:12–15; Gen. 28:9; 1 Chr. 1:28–31.
20. DESCENDANTS OF KETURAH AND ABRAHAM—Gen. 25:2; 1 Chr. 1:32–33.
21. MIDIAN—Gen. 25:2, 4; 1 Chr. 1:32–33.
22. JETHRO—A descendant of Midian, who many years later ordained Moses to the priesthood. Ex. 3:1; Ex. 4:18; Ex. 18:1–12; D&C 84:6.
23. ISAAC—Gen. 21:1–5, 12; Gen. 22; Gen. 25:5, 19–26; 1 Chr. 1:28, 34; Luke 3:34.
24. ESAU—Gen. 25:21, 24–25; Gen. 26:34–35; Gen. 27:30–33; Gen. 28:8–9; 1 Chr. 1:35–54.
25. WIVES OF ESAU, JUDITH, BASHEMATH, AND MAHALATH (a daughter of Ishmael)—Gen. 26:34–35; Gen. 28:8–9. Their descendants were known as Edomites.
26. JACOB (changed to Israel, Gen. 32:27–28)—Gen. 25:21, 24, 26, 29–34; Gen. 27:26–29; Gen. 28:1–2, 5; Gen. 29:10–12; 1 Chr. 1:34; 1 Chr. 2:1–2; Luke 3:34.
27. LEAH*—Appears twice on the chart, as the daughter of Laban and as the wife of Jacob. Gen. 29:16–17, 30–35; Gen. 30:17–21.
28. RACHEL—Appears twice on the chart, as the daughter of Laban and as the wife of Jacob. Gen. 29:10, 16–17; Gen. 30:22–24; Gen. 35:16–20.
29. ZILPAH—Wife of Jacob. Gen. 29:24; Gen. 30:9–13.
30. BILHAH—Wife of Jacob. Gen. 29:29; Gen. 30:3–8.
31. REUBEN—Gen. 29:32; Gen. 49:3–4.
32. SIMEON—Gen. 29:33; Gen. 49:5–7.
33. LEVI—Gen. 29:34; Gen. 49:5–7.
34. JUDAH—Gen. 29:35; Gen. 49:8–12; Luke 3:33.
35. ISSACHAR—Gen. 30:18; Gen. 49:14–15.
36. ZEBULUN—Gen. 30:20; Gen. 49:13.
37. GAD—Gen. 30:11; Gen. 49:19.
38. ASHER—Gen. 30:13; Gen. 49:20.
39. DAN—Gen. 30:6; Gen. 49:16–18.
40. NAPHTALI—Gen. 30:8; Gen. 49:21.
41. JOSEPH—Gen. 30:24; Gen. 49:22–26.
42. BENJAMIN—Gen. 35:18; Gen. 49:27.
43. MANASSEH—Gen. 46:20; Gen. 48:5, 17–19.
44. EPHRAIM—Gen. 46:20; Gen. 48:5, 17–19.
45. DINAH—Only daughter mentioned in the family of Jacob. Gen. 30:21.