undefined undefined Exemplary Woman Award
Exemplary Woman Award
June 1973

“Exemplary Woman Award,” Ensign, June 1973, 75

Exemplary Woman Award

Sister Donna Packer, wife of Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Council of the Twelve, is the 1973 recipient of the Exemplary Woman of the Year Award from the Associated Women Students of Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho. Presenting the award to Sister Packer, above, is Dr. Henry B. Eyring, president of Ricks College; Elder Packer is at left, and at right is Denece Hansen, Nampa, Idaho, president of the Ricks Associated Women Students. In receiving the award, Sister Packer, the mother of ten children, said, “We as women have a great responsibility. We must not always be recipients and always receiving, but we must be the givers.” Elder Packer told the student assembly, “I married way above myself. I have reason to know that my wife is perfect.”