undefined undefined LDS Mothers Receive Recognition
LDS Mothers Receive Recognition
June 1973

“LDS Mothers Receive Recognition,” Ensign, June 1973, 73

LDS Mothers Receive Recognition

Three Latter-day Saint mothers, Mrs. Caroline Eyring Miner, Mrs. Hope Fitt, and Mrs. Virginia Rasmussen Zobrist, have been named as Mothers of the Year for Utah, California, and Nevada respectively. All three attended the National Mother of the Year awards banquet in Denver, Colorado, May 10. Sister Miner, Salt Lake City, is the wife of Glen Bryant Miner and the mother of eight sons and three daughters. An English teacher, she has been honored for her work in education and is the author of seven books. She has served as a member of the YWMIA, Primary, and Sunday School general boards. Sister Fitt of Concord, California, is the mother of five sons; her husband is Theodore C. Fitt. Born in Heber City, Utah, she has had a career as a registered nurse as well as that of being a mother. Always active in Church work, she has served in the MIA and Primary; she has also been involved in community projects. Sister Zobrist and her husband, Herman A. Zobrist, are the parents of three sons and two daughters. Active in church and in civic and educational groups, she has served in Relief Society and Primary and is currently a Sunday School teacher. Members of the Church were well represented at the Mother of the Year awards banquet. Guest speaker was Dr. Kenneth H. Beesley, associate commissioner of the Church Educational System; and music was provided by the Denver South Stake Relief Society chorus, with Melva Niles Barborka of Rexburg, Idaho, as soloist.

Top left: Caroline Eyring Miner; Top right: Hope Fitt; Left: Virginia Rasmussen Zobrist