undefined undefined Magazine Subscription Program to Begin in September
Magazine Subscription Program to Begin in September
June 1973

“Magazine Subscription Program to Begin in September,” Ensign, June 1973, 72

Magazine Subscription Program to Begin in September

Following a successful pilot project in six selected regions last fall, a new Churchwide magazine subscription program will begin in September.

Introduced at the Regional Representatives’ seminar held prior to April general conference, the program involves the Ensign, New Era, and Friend.

Under the program, endorsed by the First Presidency, subscriptions will fall due within specific geographic areas at specific times of the year. The intent is to facilitate the work of ward and stake magazine representatives and to ensure that all who desire to subscribe to the magazines may have that opportunity. All subscriptions in a given stake will be subject to renewal at the same time each year, alleviating year-round campaigns and subscription check-ups.

All English-speaking stakes and missions of the Church will be placed in one of three groupings: A, B, or C. Those in Utah and Idaho will be in group A and will have their subscription campaign in September, October, and November. All subscriptions in this group will be adjusted to expire with each December issue.

Group B comprises stakes and missions in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, California, Washington, and Oregon in the United States, plus Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific islands. This group’s subscription campaign will be in January, February, and March 1974, with subscriptions expiring each April.

All other English-speaking areas will be in group C, with a subscription campaign in April, May, and June 1974, and with July as the subscription expiration month.

Details of the program will be provided by the Regional Representatives of the Twelve, and supplies and subscription materials will be mailed from the Church Magazine Office.