undefined undefined Area Conferences Scheduled for Young Adults
Area Conferences Scheduled for Young Adults
July 1973

“Area Conferences Scheduled for Young Adults,” Ensign, July 1973, 125

Area Conferences Scheduled for Young Adults

Twelve area conferences for Young Adult leaders of the Melchizedek Priesthood MIA are scheduled in the United States and Canada from August through November.

The conferences, approved by the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve, are aimed at providing insight into concepts of the Melchizedek Priesthood MIA for priesthood and Young Adult leaders.

Each conference will consist of general sessions, workshops, discussions on service projects, and social activities to enhance communication between priesthood leaders and Young Adults and to highlight concern for individual needs.

According to Elder James E. Faust, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve and managing director of the Melchizedek Priesthood MIA, invitations to the conferences will be extended to appropriate Regional Representatives of the Twelve, who serve as regional advisers to all Melchizedek Priesthood MIA activities, and to stake presidents, high council advisers to Young Adults, and institute of religion personnel as assigned by local priesthood leaders.

Young Adults themselves will be represented by stake Young Adult presidencies. Also invited will be student association campus or area presidents and Church sorority and fraternity presidents.

The conference dates, areas served, and sites are as follows:

August 10–11, Hawaii—Oahu, Hawaii; August 17–18, South Utah and South Nevada—Provo, Utah; August 31–September 1, South Central—Denton, Texas; August 31–September 1, Rocky Mountain East—Ft. Collins, Colorado; September 7–8, Southwest—Phoenix, Arizona; September 14–15, Southeast—Jacksonville, Florida; September 14–15, North Utah and Idaho—Logan, Utah; October 12–13, California South—Catalina Island, California; October 26–27, Northwest (to include Alaska and Alaska-B.C., Alberta-Saskatchewan, Lethbridge, and Vancouver, Canada, regions)—Seattle, Washington; October 26–27, Northeast (to include Ontario-Quebec and Toronto, Canada, regions)—New York, New York; November 2–3, Central States (to include Manitoba-Minnesota region)—Columbus, Ohio; and November 17–18, California North—Asilomar, California.